Liv.e - Girl In The Half Pearl 在各处都看到她的名字出现在别人的feat之后终于好好听了她自己的专辑,和单色调的封面不同的是,专辑呈现出了万花筒般的斑斓色彩,制作人中包括了Mnsdgn和John Carroll Kirby这样的名将,在这些人分别都出了专辑的2023年毫无疑问我会把这张列为最佳。 London Brew - London Brew ...
泛Emo类最佳留给了Trophy Eyes,可能是一整年最打动/戳中我的一张专辑,有点像2022年TDWP带来的那种"emotional damage",这样情绪上的触动让我无法拒绝。2023年也是老牌Screamo集体回归的一年,看着Loma Prieta, Jeromes Dream, In Loving Memory等令人激动的名字又重新出现在我们的视线范围。而今年的Screamo最佳我选择了...
毫无疑问是一张会令前卫乐迷感到兴奋的作品,前卫需要突破性、能够挑战传统模式的作品,Earthside显然在一定程度上做到了。2023年我最喜欢的前卫,希望下一张不要再让我们等待八年。 Τρωθησομένη Ὁπλίτης 要说2023年最具关注度的国产金属乐,很多人第一反应应该都会是这支“希腊装甲兵”。
2023亚洲流行音乐奖TOP20 ALBUMS OF THE YEAR!你最喜欢哪张专辑?《0.25 》希林娜依高 、《CHIN UP!》陳奕迅《重拾_快乐 》林俊杰 、《DREAMS 》檀健次、《刘艳芬 》易烊千玺 、《On My Youth 》威神V、《是...
2023年🇯🇵Billboard JAPAN Top Albums Sales年中榜3 SEVENTEEN超话 FML — 791,2754 straykids超话 THE SOUND — 617,8498 TXT组合超话 The Name Chapter: TEMPTATION — 253,7629 朴智旻超话 FACE — 248,41110 SEVENTEEN超话 DREAM — 244,34715 ENHYPEN超话 DARK BLOOD — 166,58517 ATEEZ超话 THE ...
Parannoul / 2023 2. Glixen –《She Only Said》 來自美國鳳凰城的Glixen是本年度的瞪鞋超新星,有著仿如90年代英國瞪鞋風潮的音色,綿密的結他噪音以及朦朧唯美的女聲,使我們如同置身於雲霧繚繞的山顛之上,如夢似幻地迷離醉人。 She Only Said 8.4
By MARIA SHERMAN Updated 2:39 AM GMT+8, December 5, 2023 Share LOS ANGELES (AP) — Ten of the top albums of the year, as chosen by Associated Press Music Writer Maria Sherman. It was a blockbuster year across genres, but only a few could make AP’s list. (SZA...
Metacritic's Official #1 Album of 2023 #1: 95 Fountain Baby (Golden Child) by Amaarae Bronx-born, Ghanaian-American singer-songwriter Amaarae followed her debut LP The Angel You Don't Know with this major-label debut. Fountain Baby blends American R&B and African pop (among other genres) ...
In 2023, it felt like the music world finally got back on its feet post-COVID, whether thanks to the sold-out stadium tours from blockbuster artists like Beyoncé, Taylor Swift, and Madonna, or the return of artists whose latest projects had been long-anticipated, from Lana del Rey to ...
and some of them found success with revived older material. But the last 12 months generally provided proof that promo cycles don’t need to be based around a new full-length in 2023 — particularly if you’ve got a much-anticipated new tour to serve as your most relevant contemporary body...