The Alberta Mental Health Act 2010 and Revolving Door Syndrome: Control, Care, and Identity in Making Up PeopleON FEBRUARY 28, 2004, A SERIES of unfortunate events led to the deaths of Jim Galloway, an...Barron, Gary R. S.Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Assn.Canadian Review of Sociology...
Particularly over the last 10 years, B.C. has dramatically expanded the number and scope of sites offering some form of “safe consumption.” But detox and treatment is a different story. Last August, after a 49-year-old Victoria man died of an overdose in a sidewalk tent, his sisters t...
A further issue raised is that Jesus had a twin sibling, and someone else suggested a brother, and in both cases when Jesus died they got into the act by playing the role of Jesus. My guess would be that that would be impossible given that they were not deity as Jesus claimed to be...
Mabiour appeared to have severe mental health problems, according to media reports; he was described as a loner who talked to almost no one and was often seen wandering Red Deer’s streets, sifting through garbage bins. The killing so shocked Canada’s medical community that physicians began ...
Any ASB member can subscribe to this e-newsletter through an online subscription form hosted on … Continue reading "ASB Connector – October edition available" Posted on September 16, 2024 Update – AgKnow Resolution E2-23 In June of this year AgKnow, Alberta Farm Mental Health Network sent...
Report seeks more detox beds for children, adults--CALGARY - The Alberta government says it will...Graveland, Bill
Depending on the form, the ACT contains 56-58 items which reflect 10 concepts of organizational context: (1) leadership, (2) culture, (3) evaluation (feedback processes), (4) social capital, (5) informal interactions, (6) formal interactions, (7) structural and electronic resources, (8)...
The Alberta Mental Health Act 2010 and Revolving Door Syndrome: Control, Care, and Identity in Making up PeopleIn this paper, I describe dividing practices in making up a specific medical‐legal category—the revolving door patient—to identify, label, and direct the actions of particular people...