David Phillip Jones, Discretionary Refusal of Judicial Review in Administrative Law , Alberta Law Review: Vol 19, No 3 David Phillip Jones, Tax Implications of Marriage Breakdown , Alberta Law Review: Vol 20, No 3 follow donate about Welcome to the Alberta Law Review The Alberta Law Revie...
The combustion gas is emitted out through a chimney as can be seen on the top of the equipment in Fig. 2a (1−2). Heaters were rotated among bins due to their portable feature with the help of insulated tubes attached at the outlet of the heater and inlet of the silo fan (Fig. ...
Breakdown of the Gutenberg‐Richter relation for microearthquakes induced by hydraulic fracturing: influence of stratabound fractures Hydraulic fracturing, a powerful completion technique used to enhance oil or gas production from impermeable strata, may trigger unintended earthquake acti... DW Eaton,Jrn ...
Nine samples collected from the Upper Cretaceous Second White Speckled Shale Formation at the Highwood River outcrop in southern Alberta were geochemically characterized for their oil contents, physical states, and chemical compositions. Cold extraction