Albert J Ellis Airport(杰克逊维尔机场)位于北美洲北卡罗来纳)(美国杰克逊维尔,经度:34.7083,纬度:-77.4397,IATA Code(三字码)是OAJ, ICAO Code(四字码)是KOAJ。阿尔伯特·埃利斯J.机场(IATA:OAJ,ICAO:KOAJ,FAA&...。
Ellis Airport出发的接载服务 (阿尔伯特埃利斯机场) 请告诉我们一些详细信息,我们将为您安排从机场出发的行程。 Albert J Ellis Airport, 264 Albert J. Ellis Airport Rd, Richlands 您想去哪里? 下一步再OAJ机场 无论您是第一次来到还是当地人,优步都能帮助您轻松从OAJ前往目的地。需要接驳车或转机服务吗?
Albert J. Ellis Airport 卫星图像 机场天气 10天预报 气候 海洋气象 气旋 闪电 常见问题 语言 联系 新闻简报 关于我们 机场: 欧洲 非洲 北美洲 南美洲 亚洲 澳大利亚-大洋洲 其他 机场 傑克遜維爾, 北卡罗来纳州, 美国 纬度: 34-50N, 经度: 077-37W, 海拔: 29米...
Discover Albert J. Ellis Airport (OAJ) in Jacksonville, NC. Find flights, amenities, and services. Plan your visit to OAJ today!
FAA: OAJLatitude/Longitude: 34.82917, -77.61222City: Richlands, NCCounty: Onslow CountyState: North CarolinaZip code: 28574Country: United StatesTime zone: US/EasternCurrent time zone offset: UTC/GMT -5 hoursThe current time and date at Albert J. Ellis Airport is 6:33 AM on Saturday, ...
杰克逊维尔机场三字码 OAJ中文名称:杰克逊维尔机场 英文名称:Albert J Ellis Airport 机场三字码:OAJ 机场四字码:KOAJ 国家/地区:美国(United States) 所属区域:北卡罗来纳(North Carolina )-杰克逊维尔(Jacksonville) 时区:UTC/GMT-5 海关机场:否 详细地址:264 State Rd 1265, Richlands, NC 28574 联系电话...
Albert J Ellis Airport Destinations List This list shows the 3 locations you can fly to from Albert J Ellis Airport DestinationIATAAirlines Flying Route Charlotte Douglas International CLT American Airlines, US Airways Ronald Reagan Washington National DCA American Airlines, US Airways Hartsfield Jackson...
Getting to OAJ Airport Flying from Albert J. Ellis Airport? Uber takes the stress out of arranging a dropoff. Whether you’re catching a domestic or international flight, Uber has options for you, from private rides to premium cars to more cost-effective options. In a few quick steps, yo...
WELCOME TO ALBERT J. ELLIS AIRPORT See all airports Lyft at OAJ airport.Sign upSo many ways to ride LYFTXLEXTRA COMFORTBLACKBLACK XL Lyft is your own personal ride. Whether you’re riding solo or hitting the town with your friends, this sedan is yours to fill. Up to 4 max; ...
Travel 5 miles and then turn left onto Albert J. Ellis Airport Road. The terminal will be on your right. DIRECTIONS FROM MOREHEAD CITY: From Arendell St/Highway 70, turn onto NC-24 W. After 36.5 miles, merge onto US-17 S via the ramp on the left to NC-24 W/Wilmington. ...