Evans, C. S. (1984 -1985). Albert Ellis' conception of rationality: How reasonable is rational- emotive therapy? Review of Existential Psychol- ogy and Psychiatry, 19, 129 -134.Evans, C. S. (1984 1985). Albert Ellis' conception of rationality: How reasonable is rational emotive therapy?
Summary This chapter contains sections titled: Albert Ellis, the Founder of REBT The Origins and Core Concepts of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy The ABCDE Technique of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Recognizing Irrationality Disputing Irrationality REBT in Children and Adolescents Discussion References...
Rational Emotive Therapy: this article explains theRational Emotive Therapy (RET), developed byAlbert Ellisin a practical way. Next to what it is (Definition and Goal), this article also highlights the method of Observation, interpretation and evaluation, Irrational thoughts, The ABC of Rational Em...
【填空题】美国临床心理学家阿尔伯特.埃利斯(Albert Ellis)在20世纪50年代创立的()情绪疗法(rational-emotive therapy,RET),其核心是通过理性分析和逻辑思辨,改变不合理信念,建立正确的、合理的信念,从而改变、控制情绪及行为结果相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 理性 ...
In this interview, Ellis acknowledges that irrational beliefs have a higher biological basis than rational beliefs and that they are not at opposite ends of the same continuum. Ellis agrees that irrational beliefs are more involved in mental health problems while rational beliefs contribute to the ps...
心理医生艾伯特·埃利斯(Albert Ellis),他是“理性情感疗法”(Rational-emotive Therapie)的创始人。谈到这一疗法时,人们往往提到哲学家爱比克泰德(Epiktet)的一句名言,这位哲人在公元一世纪所认识到的东西,正是埃利斯在20世纪70年代创建这一疗法的核心:“不是事物本身,而是对事物的看法使人类不安。”埃利斯也认为,不...
摘要: 1. Presents an interview with A. Ellis that explores how rational emotive therapy (RET) can be a useful method for treating communication apprehension in students. The RET process focuses on the acceptance of self with evaluation only of the behavior (eg被引量: 2 年份: 1990 ...
认知| RET(rational emotive therapy,理性情绪疗法)是由美国心理学家Albert Ellis于20世纪50年代首创的一种心理治疗理论和方法。用著名的斯多葛学派哲学家Epictetus的一句话就可以将其理念阐释透彻:“人不是被事情本身所困扰,而是被其对事情的看法所困扰。” ...
An Interview with Albert Ellis on Rational Emotive Behavioral TherapyEllis, aShaugnessy, MfMahan, V
ALBERT ELLIS ; Psychotherapist Who Preached a Rational, Behavioural ApproachAlbert Ellis was one of the best known and most influential psychotherapists in the post-Freudian era.Schatzman, Morton