KEKUATAN ALAT BUKTI KETERANGAN SAKSIPENYANDANG DISABILITAS TUNA RUNGUDALAM PROSES PERADILAN PIDANAEveryone has the same right and duties before the law which made everyone is guaranted to get their rights recognized and shall rank equal with each other. It also ...
KEKUATAN ALAT BUKTI KETERANGAN SAKSI PENYANDANG DISABILITAS TUNA RUNGU DALAM PROSES PERADILAN PIDANAEveryone has the same right and duties before the law which made everyone is\\udguaranted to get their rights recognized and shall rank equal with each other. It also\\udincludes equality for ...
If tapping by Corruption Eradication Commission must obtain permission then need revision against the act.OKTAVIANI PUTRI, HOLY
PENGGUNAAN DOKUMEN ELEKTRONIK SEBAGAI ALAT BUKTI DALAM PUTUSAN PERKARA PORNOGRAFI (STUDI PUTUSAN NOMOR 16/PID SUS/2021/PN KUPANG DAN PUTUSAN NOMOR 162/PID.SUS/2020/PN KUPANG)doi:10.59141/jist.v4i6.631The purpose of this study is to: first, to explain the function of electronic docu...
UPAYA PENYIDIK DALAM MENCARI ALAT BUKTI TINDAK PIDANA PENIPUAN VIA\\\udSMS(SHORT MESSAGE SERVICE) BERDASARKAN KUHAPThe title of this legal writing on "The Role of Investigators Seeking Evidence In Criminal Fraud\\udVia SMS (Short Message Service) Based...
KEYAKINAN HAKIM BERDASARKAN ALAT BUKTI YANG CUKUP UNTUK MENJATUHKAN SANKSI PIDANA DALAM TINDAK PIDANA KDRTAuthentication System in Indonesian Criminal Justice is adopting Negative evidence system. This evidence system is a combination of the two extremely confl...
KEDUDUKAN HUKUM AKTA NOTARIS SEBAGAI ALAT BUKTI DALAM PROSES PENYIDIKANIKA HANDAYANI, Postgraduate Magister of Notary Program of Faculty of Law in Brawijaya University, FEBRUARY 2010. The Law's Status of Notarial Document as Evidence in an Investigation Process. Counselors, Chairman: Afifah Kusuma...