"A Day In The After Life" comic Alastor is taking a stroll through Pentagram City, prompting several demons cower and hide in fear as he walks along. He sits and reads a newspaper while enjoying a cup of coffee at a café. Sometime later, Alastor strolls through Cannibal Town, where a...
Phytokinesis: In the cannon comic "A Day in The Afterlife", Alastor plucks a rose from a bush and upon touching it, it wilts and dies. Aerokinesis: When trying to make a deal with Charlie in the pilot and succeeding to do so in the pilot, he generates powerful winds and it's not...
Right off the bat,Mimzy tells everyone that she and Alastor"ran in the same circles when they were alive."This confirms that Alastor was once a person living on Earth, rather than being"Hell-born"like Charlie or coming from Heaven like Vaggie. Outside the show itself, it has been confirm...
"A Day In The After Life" comic Alastor is taking a stroll through Pentagram City, prompting several demons cower and hide in fear as he walks along. He sits and reads a newspaper while enjoying a cup of coffee at a café. Sometime later, Alastor strolls through Cannibal Town, where a...