Land Maps Regional Map App The Ahtna Land department has developed a mapping app to help locals and visitors to the region determine who owns the land they are exploring. The app clearly shows property boundaries and public and private land ownership in the Region. Using the app you can searc...
A series of US Congressional acts have delineated land ownership patterns in Alaska, with the resultant emergence of three principal landowners, the state of Alaska, the US government, and native peoples of the region. Rather than resolving long-term land conflicts, these ownership patterns have ...
The lodge is fully equipped and ready for your next business endeavor or a private retreat to relish with your loved ones. $1,950,000 1± Acres SHARE PROPERTY LEARN more McDougall Lodge LLC Wasilla, Alaska Located near Mile 35 of the Yentna River, 1± mile downstream from the ...
respectively. Alaska has one-quarter of all federal forestland and 43 percent of all state-owned forestland in the country. More than 200 Alaska Native Corporations own 35 million acres of non-industrial private forestland. Read more about forest ownership, ecology, and management in Alaska in ...
Reasons for not supporting relocation were related to the vicinity of the current townsite to subsistence resources and concern over the loss of owned property and land and potential land ownership conflicts related to relocation. One resident mentioned that “it never floods in Hooper Bay,” perhap...
another 10% is managed by thirteen regional and dozens of local Native corporations created under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. Various private interests own the remaining land, totaling less than 1%.Alaska is administratively divided into "boroughs," as opposed to "counties." The functio...
Alaskan landowners, regional and village corporations, tribes, and private landowners, located in a specific region of the State (see map below), who actively preserve forest lands and improve forest management practices are eligible to participate in the California cap and trade program. The generat...
Hecla is the largest private-sector employer and taxpayer in Juneau, Alaska The Greens Creek ore body contains silver, zinc, gold and lead, and it lies within the Admiralty Island National Monument. The Greens Creek property includes 17 patented lode claims and one patented mill site claim. The...
1929 - US Navy begins 5-year survey to map parts of Alaska. Alaska Native Brotherhood convention at Haines resolves to pursue land claims settlement in Southeast Alaska.1932 - Radio telephone communications established in Juneau, Ketchikan, and Nome....
ownership, legal descriptions or boundaries, legal jurisdiction, or restrictions that may be in place on either public or private land. Natural hazards may or may not be depicted on the data and maps, and land users should exercise due caution. The data are dynamic and may change over time....