This article reports that Alaska Permanent Fund Corp. (APEC) has tapped State Street Global Asset Managers to oversee a $700 million global passive equity mandate. APEC has an asset of $29.3 billion. It...
SJR 6, CONST AM: APPROP. LIMIT; RESERVE FUND - Support Letter for the Governor SJR 6, CONST AM: APPROP. LIMIT; RESERVE FUND - Support Letter for Senate Finance Committee 2019 Policies and Actions 2018 Legislative Letters and Testimonies ...
Alaska Perm. Fund Hires New Managers. (cover story)This article reports on the move made by Alaska Permanent Fund Corp. (APFC) to add several new managers to its roster in August 2007. The new managers include Dodge & Cox, GE Asset Management, Goldman Sachs Asset Management and Julius ...
The article reports that the Alaska Permanent Fund Corp. has granted investment commitments to Blackstone Alternative Asset Management and The Carlyle Group (TCG). The Blackstone Strategic Holdings Fund, a private equity fund with a strategy focused on investing in minority stakes of hedge fund ...
Alaska Permanent Fund Corp. (APFC) communications director Laura Achee stated that the allocations will be handled by its PE managers Pathway Capital Management and HarborVest Partners. The companies are entitled to mak...
(APEC) to add a global equity allocation of 14 percent to its asset allocation, according to Laura Achee, spokeswoman for the plan. The fund has two global equity managers, namely, UBS Global Asset Management and Lazard Asset Management.SorondoMarc...
Alaska Perm Fund Seeks Fixed-Income Expert.The article announces that the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation (APFC) is seeking an investment professional with bond expertise.LewisJakemaInvestment Management Mandate Pipeline
Alaska Perm Fund Needs Private Markets Expert.The article announces that the state-owned Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation, which manages the Alaska Permanent Fund, is searching for investment expertise for its private markets portfolio.LewisJakema...