Summer Jobs SectionAlaska Fishing JobsFor years and years, Alaska’s seafood industry has been a major source of summer jobs – especially for college students. The salmon fishery starts in mid- to late-May and runs into September, which fits a college student’s schedule pretty well....
Intro to Alaska Commercial Fishing Alaska Cruise Jobs Alaska Summer Employment Experts Tell All! Become a Member FAQ Members Section Benefits Members Section Site Map Free Section Site Map Member Login Manage Your Membership Cancel Your Membership Reactivate an Expired Membership Logout About Us Contact...
Find a high paying Alaska fishing industry job. Work as a deckhand on a fishing boat or onshore at a seafood processing plant. Thousands of jobs available.
Organizing your Alaska Fishing Job Search Life Cycle of the Anadromous Salmon Onshore Alaska Seafood Jobs Overview Alaska Onshore Fish Processing Plant Jobs Worker Profile: Salmon Cannery Alaska Seafood Processing Operations Alaska Summer Seafood Processing Jobs Working on the Slime Line Alaska Salmon Pro...
Alaska Fishing Industry Jobs for Non-U.S. Citizens Alaska is part of the United States, and the same laws governing foreign citizen employment apply in Alaska as they do in any parts of the U.S. Foreign citizens may be required to have either a temporary work permit or an alien ...
Learn about fishing boat crew positions, how they get paid, and where to find jobs. Deckhand Jobs How Much Deckhands Earn What Deckhands Do Purse Seining Trolling Onshore Processing Jobs It’s the ultimate summer job: processing salmon in Alaska. These jobs pay a set wage, plus overtime,...
NOTE – Those who get Alaska fishing jobs may receive many overtime hours as well as free or very inexpensive room and board. Travel Most tourism industry employers do not offer reimbursement for travel expenses to and from the job site. Some have discount arrangements with local shuttle service...
Alaska Summer Jobs - Summer jobs in Alaska in a variety of industries including Alaska fishing and processing, cruise ship, fishing lodges and resorts, oil, outdoor jobs, land tour, timber, and construction employment.
Alaska Fishing Jobs Seafood Processing Jobs Adventure & Tour Company Jobs National Park Jobs Driving Jobs Lodge Jobs Parks & Science Centers Cruise Ship Jobs River Rafting & Adventures Oil Industry Jobs As a responsible job seeker, it’s best to start your search for a summer job in Alaska as...
Earn up to $50,000 in 3 months! Sign up now! offers employment information and contacts related to searching for seasonal jobs in the lucrative Alaskan commercial fishing industry.