Summer Jobs SectionAlaska Fishing JobsFor years and years, Alaska’s seafood industry has been a major source of summer jobs – especially for college students. The salmon fishery starts in mid- to late-May and runs into September, which fits a college student’s schedule pretty well....
Alaska Salmon Fishing Jobs If you are looking for summer work or to break into the Alaska fishing industry as a deckhand, the Alaska salmon fisheries are a good place to look. Alaska Salmon Trolling Salmon Gillnetting Purse Seining Salmon Tender Boats Alaska's Major Fisheries Alaska has a lot...
Find a high paying Alaska fishing industry job. Work as a deckhand on a fishing boat or onshore at a seafood processing plant. Thousands of jobs available.
Written by -- "The Mole" During the summer months, I had a job in Kodiak, Alaska, working on a commercial ... Read More Alaska Fish Tales (a true story) A fishing journal entry -- by Mark Maricich My uncle, Roy Maricich, has been a highliner salmon fisherman in Alaska ... Read ...
Alaska Summer Jobs - Summer jobs in Alaska in a variety of industries including Alaska fishing and processing, cruise ship, fishing lodges and resorts, oil, outdoor jobs, land tour, timber, and construction employment.
Q: Is working on a sportfishing charter vessel a good job? A:Yes, working on a sportfishing charter boat can be a great job. Most of the jobs are during the summer, on salmon or halibut charter boats. Deckhands get to meet a lot of interesting people and usually have a decent amoun...
Alaska Fishing Jobs: Alaska’s fishing industry is the state’s largest private employer and employs over 56,600 people for summer, seasonal and year-round employment plus another 22,000 indirect jobs with the state of Alaska. Alaska Jobs – Websites ...
Earn up to $50,000 in 3 months! Sign up now! offers employment information and contacts related to searching for seasonal jobs in the lucrative Alaskan commercial fishing industry.
The decision threatens to prevent the important summer and winter king salmon seasons, with the summer season starting on 1 July just around the corner. Officials in California and much of Oregon cancelled commercial and more recreational king salmon fishing off in April for the second...
Each summer, the town hosts the Mount Marathon Race, a grueling mountain run that draws athletes and spectators to the area. Visitors love taking boat tours to see glaciers, whales, and sea lions up close, while locals enjoy fishing in the bay or hiking along the nearby Harding Icefield ...