You can finance state parcels in Alaska if the purchase price of the land, minus the down payment, is greater than $2,000. Sales contracts with the State of Alaska typically require a down payment of 5 percent and a repayment schedule, with interest, of up to 20 years. The state, howe...
November 5th: National Association of Maufacturers Coalition Letter to the President-Elect October 30th: Coalition Letter from State Chambers on Boeing Strike October 29th: Coalition Letter to Alaska DNR on Instream Flow Reservation September 18th: Alaska Coalition Press Release on the NPRA RFI ...
In the fall of 2007, Rydor Enterprises was granted access to the land for the purpose of building a two mile 4x4 road system through the property, this was completed in mid-October, as well as a hand cut trail system up the Mountain. Access at this time consist of the Alpetco road, ...
Domke and Nielson's argument relies on the fact that after they filed a quiet title action, DNR refused to defend the action. However, the validity of the State's potential claim, after the quiet title action was brought, is not pertinent. "A cloud on title is an outstanding claim or i...