/ dnr.alaska.gov/ssd/recoff/search.cfm. Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development:. Http:/ www.commerce.state.ak.us. Http:/ www.courts.alaska.gov. Court records search (Courtview):. Http:/ www.courtrecords.alaska.gov/pa/pa.urd/pamw6500.display. Municipality of ...
Alaska DNR RS2477 Trails RS 2477 stands for Revised Statute 2477 from the Mining Act of 1866, which states: "The right-of-way for the construction of highways over public lands, no... Alaska Department of Natural Resources - AK Department of Natural Resources - Land Records Information Sectio...
I have spent the last two years exploring the field of land use planning, and finding that most if not all ANCSA corporations do not have comprehensive land use plans for collectively over 46 million acres of land in Alaska. This is compared to comprehensive land use planning requirements for ...