Buy commercial door hardware made by industry leader Alarm Lock. Known for their electronic keyless access locks, wireless locks and swipe readers.
批发防盗报警挂锁摩托车报警锁电动车报警锁ALARM LOCK大门锁 浦江县印菲锁业有限公司 5年 回头率: 55.3% 浙江 金华市 ¥200.00 得晨电子报警不锈钢推杆逃生锁 DECHEN Alarm panic exit device 高要区金利镇豪邦五金厂 7年 回头率: 100% 广东 高要市 ¥11.90 成交2500把 厂家批发报警锁铝合金防盗...
A door lock includes a body, a locking device installed in part of the body to lock and unlock an entrance door and having a first handle provided at an inner side of the entrance door, a lock assembly engaged with the first handle when a normal key is inserted, and a locking member ...
报警锁批发厂家直供铝合金铜锁芯安全震动型报警挂锁 ALARM LOCK 杭州建德锡说贸易商行(个体工商户) 1年 回头率: 16.9% 浙江 杭州市 ¥12.00 报警锁批发厂家直供 ALARM LOCK铝合金铜锁芯安全震动型报警挂锁 义乌市锦盾五金商行 2年 回头率: 0% 浙江 金华市 ¥...
当Alarm退出时,就需要通过class_interface_unregister函数来卸载在初始化时注册的Alarm接口,通过wake_lock_destroy函数来销毁SUSPEND lock,以及通过platform_driver_unregister函数来卸载Alarm驱动。实现代码如下: static void __exit alarm_exit(void) { class_interface_unregister(&rtc_alarm_interface); ...
Single magnetic lock that delays egress with 1200 lbs holding force Where to Buy Compare DE-1 Secures an exit while providing egress during an emergency Where to Buy Compare NTS Series No touch request to exit station with infrared sensors Where to Buy Compare TS-x Vandal Vandal resistant Push...
Lock ID, which is unique LockTime Time when the system configuration is unlocked VB none Impact on the System After the system configuration is locked by a user, only this user can perform commit configuration operations. Possible Causes A user locked the system configuration. Procedure This log...
Lock ID, which is unique LockTime Time when the system configuration is unlocked VB none Impact on the System After the system configuration is locked by a user, only this user can perform commit configuration operations. Possible Causes A user locked the system configuration. Procedure This log...
err2: wake_lock_destroy(&alarm_rtc_wake_lock); platform_driver_unregister(&alarm_driver); err1: return err; } 该函数初始化 5 个 alarm device 相关联的 hrtimer 定时器,设置 hrtimer 定时器的回调函数为 alarm_timer_triggered 函数,再注册一个 plateform driver 和 class interface。 如果设置了闹 铃...
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