Alarm - Clock - Calm - Timer Selcuk ASLANTAS Designed for iPhone Free Description Wake up or fall asleep to your favorite music, never fall asleep despite your alarm again, get your own exclusive designer watch collection, use a multifunctional timer. ...
iPhone iPad Description Our alarm clock app caters to all sleep styles. Loud alarms for heavy sleepers, gentle vibrations for light sleepers & soothing sleep sounds for everyone. Download Now! Get a loud wake up sound with smart alarm settings, weather settings, morning missions, math alarms and...
iPhone Apple Watch 描述 Sleep better and start the day with your favorite tunes. Are you curious to see how much you slept? Then, track your sleep in the app. Alarm Clock HD is the app to help you enjoy restful sleep and wake up worry-free. ...
iPhone iPad Apple Watch 简介This alarm clock app allows you to use YouTube, Apple Music, and recorded audio as an alarm or timer. It also supports fade-in and shuffle playback, so you can wake up pleasantly with fresh music every day. App has a sleep timer and can even play relaxing...
✔ 更多信息闹钟可以随意显示电池电量信息和日期信息。✔ 懒觉按钮可以充分调节懒觉功能和时间。✔ 自动集成自动集成您的所有iPhone时钟设置,例如AM/PM设置及24/12小时时钟模式。✔ 完全可调这款闹钟的所有功能完全可调。時間每天随心所欲的入睡和醒来! Alarm Clock app下载安装失败或使用异常,请 -> 一键举报...
“超炫电子闹钟专业版(音乐唤醒)”让您的iPhone或者iPod touch化身为炫酷的电子钟, 包含精美的不同色彩电子钟, 并且可以使用您最喜欢的音乐作为闹钟。甚至还内置了手电筒功能, 方便您在黑暗中使用。 ★ 新功能 ★ - 双击屏幕以启用睡前音乐功能。使用这个功能,您将在舒缓的音乐、有声读物、博客的陪伴下安然...
Wake Alarm Clock是一款非常有创意的闹钟应用,可以对着屏幕拍一下或者翻转手机小睡一会、摇一摇叫醒服务,想怎么起床自己决定。@Appinn 青小蛙的起床闹铃是一款古老手机驱动的闹钟,闹铃已经机械化,听到就知道该起床了… Wake Alarm Clock提供了几个新颖的方式关闭闹钟,想小睡几分钟拍一下屏幕或者把手机翻过去,很自然的动...
Is there a way to ensure the clock app goes to alarm every time the clock is selected? Is there a way to customise the iPhone or for Apple to listen to what the majority of users need instead of developers going with what they like themselves?
Alarm Cloc..软件介绍Alarm Clock Pro mac版是Macos上一款闹钟和时间管理工具,可以轻松设置闹钟,使用它在早上叫醒你,发送和撰写电子邮件,提醒你约会,随机选择iTunes,控制互联网广播电台等等
I upgraded from iPhone 12 to 14 Pro and have had problems ever since with my timer and alarm on my Clock App not working properly. Nothing consistent. The timer may work once or twice every 20 times. Doesn’t matter how long I set it for. Alarm doesn’t always work either. I have...