Yet across his debut album, 2018’s Different World, and subsequent singles, Walker has kept experimenting, tackling acoustic versions, country harmonies, urbano remixes and more. Each song has been a new opportunity to buck convention and chart a new course—a natural instinct for someone who ...
Alan Walker Album Unlock 4 播放量:414.7万 在手机上播 举报 视频简介发行时间:2018-12-08评论共10条评论 期待你的神评论…… 剩余300字 发表评论 最新评论(10) (~'(oo)')~ Potter's Lily? 2020年4月3日 13:03 0 🙄💅 一定是《Lily》 2020年3月7日 20:08 0 池餘 来人呐,朕...
#worldofwalker# The album will be out midnight - please enjoy this teaser before it’s out 🔑 Man On The Moon music video dropping tomorrow as well at 10PM! 我的全新专辑即将于今晚零点正式上线 - 请在专辑上线之前欣赏这支预告 🔑 同时《Man On The Moon》音乐视频将于明天晚上22点在我的B...
CD 1 曲序 曲名 演唱人 1 Fire! Alan Walker, YUQI, JVKE Fire! 2023-Dec 沃克競技聯盟 2021-Sep On My Way 2019-Mar 理想世界 2018-Dec 人間迷走 2016-Jun Hit Fm【FB臉書粉絲團】等你加入! 最專業《DJ推薦》好音樂千萬別錯過! 好康報報 最新優惠訊息都在這! Hit Fm的【IG】新鮮又好玩快...
6629 Alan Watts by:巴凡 2770 Alan Gratz作品集Grenade by:典妈书房11 5945 Alan Walker电音翻版 by:独自消逝 8.2万 Allies - Alan Gratz by:Wendy的音频 4.4万 Grenade - Alan Gratz by:Wendy的音频 6.4万 Refugee - Alan Gratz by:Wendy的音频 3947 Alan Gratz 作品集Allies by:典妈书房11 3620 Alan Gra...
Alan Walker - Faded (越南鼓)(DJ阿诺版)
瑶哥- AlanWalker (DJ版)
Alan Walker Sign in shopping_cartCart(0) Norwegian music producer and DJ, primarily known for his single "Faded" (2015), which was certified platinum in 14 countries. Number of tabs:1 Genre:Pop TitleAlbumType FadedGuitar/Vocals RelatedPop artists ...