FULL REVIEW PlayStation 5 80 IGN Portugal Nov 5, 2021 Alan Wake Remastered is an example of what can be a good remaster of a videogame without an abusive price, it fixes some of the main issues that prevented a good game to make sense in today’s standards. Its ideals and the wr...
Alan Wake Remastered (韓文, 英文, 繁體中文) 全球玩家的評分 4.21平均評分為4.21顆星(滿分5顆星),共16458則評分 16458個評分 59% 21% 9% 4% 7% 遊戲和法律資訊 此商品表示您可下載此遊戲的 PS4™ 數位版及 PS5™ 數位版。 在這款獲獎肯定且如電影般的動作驚悚遊戲中,陷入麻煩的作家 Alan Wake 盡其...
Alan Wake Remastered is a solid visual update to a classic survival horror game that first debuted on the Xbox 360. Though the gameplay does on occasion feel a little dated by today’s standards, the game’s solid writing and upgraded graphics make it an excellent game nonetheless. Pros Ex...
As for actually playing it,Alan Wakeis a third-person shooter where you’ll have Alan run around lost in the woods, occasionally fighting shadow people. That may sound like a joke, but you will spend a lot of time lost in the woods. Despite this, I never felt frustrated while lost. I...
英文名称:Alan Wake Remastered 游戏类型:动作 开发商:Remedy Entertainment 发行商:Remedy Entertainment 发售时间:2021年10月5日 游戏平台:PC、PS5、PS4、XSX、XboxOne IGN为《心灵杀手:复刻版》给出了7分的评价,IGN评测者认为,该作的复刻升级不怎么能让粉丝们买账,但该作原有的品质仍很能吸引新玩家 ...
在這款獲獎肯定且如電影般的動作驚悚遊戲中,陷入麻煩的作家 Alan Wake 盡其所能地尋找他失蹤的妻子 Alice。《Alan Wake Remastered》提供完整的體驗,以令人驚嘆的 4K 視覺效果,呈現主遊戲及兩個故事擴充內容--「The Signal」和「The Writer」。 類型 動作射擊恐怖 特色 單人成就雲端存檔 《Alan Wake Remastered》...
User Rating:9| Alan Wake IIPC Byivory_soul| Review Date:March 18, 2024 The originalAlan Wakeis one of my favorite horror games of all time. Its gameplay may not hold up well today, but overall, the game is still solid. The atmosphere really pulled me in when the game was released,...
《Alan Wake Remastered》 在这款荣获诸多奖项、备具电影感的惊悚动作游戏中,焦虑的作家 Alan Wake 不顾一切地踏上了一段寻找他失踪的妻子 Alice 的旅程。《Alan Wake Remastered》将为你带来完整体验。它包含游戏本体和两个故事扩展包——《The Signal》和《The Writer》,并以全新 4K 惊艳视觉体验呈现。
Alan Wake Remastered topics Technical Support Technical Support What are the PC system requirements for Alan Wake Remastered? How does Alan Wake Remastered take advantage of the DualSense controller? Does Alan Wake Remastered support High Dynamic Range (HDR)? How do I troubleshoot issues in Alan ...
心灵杀手这个译名与原名Alan Wake各有千秋,前者拔高了游戏的内涵高度,后者双关的含义暗示了故事的主题。玩法略显简单和过时,甚至在PS5平台上还遇到了两个差点过不去的Bug。优秀的是剧情和光影气氛的塑造,让我每找到一个路灯都倍感温暖和放松。尽管剧情我到结束也没看懂什么意思,个人觉得是一个作家坐在屋内看到窗外的...