Download Alan Wake Remastered for free by purchasing Alan Wake 2 during the Xbox Lunar New Year sale. In this award-winning cinematic action-thriller, troubled author Alan Wake embarks on a desperate search for his missing wife, Alice. Following her mysterious disappearance from the Pacific Northw...
Рейтинги Alan Wake Remastered Глобальныеоценкиигроков 4.21Средняяоценка: 4.21 изпятизвезднаосновании 16430 оценок оценки: 16430 59% 21%
在這款獲獎肯定且如電影般的動作驚悚遊戲中,陷入麻煩的作家 Alan Wake 盡其所能地尋找他失蹤的妻子 Alice。《Alan Wake Remastered》提供完整的體驗,以令人驚嘆的 4K 視覺效果,呈現主遊戲及兩個故事擴充內容--「The Signal」和「The Writer」。 類型 動作射擊恐怖 特色 單人成就雲端存檔 《Alan Wake Remastered》...
《Alan Wake Remastered》 在这款荣获诸多奖项、备具电影感的惊悚动作游戏中,焦虑的作家 Alan Wake 不顾一切地踏上了一段寻找他失踪的妻子 Alice 的旅程。《Alan Wake Remastered》将为你带来完整体验。它包含游戏本体和两个故事扩展包——《The Signal》和《The Writer》,并以全新 4K 惊艳视觉体验呈现。
This content is locked Description Download Alan Wake Remastered for free by purchasing Alan Wake 2 during the Xbox Lunar New Year sale. In this award-winning cinematic action-thriller, troubled author Alan Wake embarks on a desperate search for his missing wife, Alice. Following her mysterious ...
It didn't take long for it to be noticed either as people went to the Xbox Store to download the Alan Wake 2 free trial as soon as Xbox revealed it's a part of its FreePlayDays this weekend. Someone noticed claiming the trial reduced the price of Alan Wake Remastered to free and ...
心灵杀手:复刻版(Alan Wake Remastered)中文版,直接玩 配置要求 最低配置 操作系统:Win 10 64 位 处理器:i5-3340 或同等产品 显卡:Nvidia GeForce GTX 960 或 AMD 出品的同等产品2 GB 显存 内存:8 GB 或更高 推荐配置 操作系统:Win 10 64 位
Alan Wake Remastered topics Technical Support Technical Support What are the PC system requirements for Alan Wake Remastered? How does Alan Wake Remastered take advantage of the DualSense controller? Does Alan Wake Remastered support High Dynamic Range (HDR)? How do I troubleshoot issues in Alan ...
In this award-winning action-thriller, remastered in 4K, troubled author Alan Wake is on a desperate search for his missing wife. A horror story he has supposedly written is coming true, and his grip on reality is threatened as he confronts a hostile presence. The tense, episodic story is...