1.2References to Alan Wake in Control 2External links Controlallusions References toControlinAlan Wake InAlan Wake's American Nightmarein the songBalance Slays the Demon, there is a hidden backwards message that when played in reverse says "It will happen again, in another town, a town calledOr...
对应二进制就需要使用10位。而wake2这里是int16,也就是只有16位,保证符号位1位之后,16-1-10=5位,也就是说整数位只有5位,对应32(十进制).那么模型本身,中心点到最远顶点距离要限制在32以内①。 这里使用int,而不是float,是因为我们前面定好了模型大小,就没必要浪费位来标记指数,直接用int存储定值。 并且in...
心灵杀手 2:豪华版Alan Wake 2 Deluxe EditionAlan Wake II: Deluxe Edition Remedy Entertainment 2023-10-27 - . -- . - 暂无评分 - . - 评论数不足 - . - Bright Falls 是位于西北太平洋岸的一座荒野小镇,一连串宗教仪式杀人案让镇上人人自危。来此调查杀人案件的 Saga Anderson 为一名精明干练的 FBI...
I've installed Alan Wake on my Ubuntu desktop using POL and it runs fine, except that there is no in-game sound. The cinematics have sound, as does the opening splash page until the "press any key..." message. After pressing a key and going to the main menu all sound stops. If ...
Anyway, roll back to the mid 1980s. A colleague of mine,David Wakeling, had been on a visit to a workshop in the States and heard there about Pending Analysis and Young and Hudak’s proof of its correctness. He wanted to use the algorithm in his own work, but there wassomething abo...
The FitBit’s alarm had been set for an early hour to wake us ready to catch the ferry. However, while the FitBit app on the iPad and the FitBit talk to one another via Bluetooth, the app will not control the alarm unless it is Internet connected. For the first few mornings of ou...
Content Rating T Language, Use of Alcohol, Use of Tobacco, Violence, Use of Alcohol and Tobacco, Blood FranchisesAlan Wake Alan Wake Screenshots and Videos All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Alan Wake Start Slideshow Multiplatform Alan Wake 2: The Kotaku Review Remedy's long-awaited...
Saga Anderson arrives to investigate ritualistic murders in a small town. Alan Wake pens a dark story to shape the reality around him. These two heroes are somehow connected. Can they become the heroes they need to be? Community More from Remedy Entertainment ...
分享29赞 心灵杀手吧 674998894 心灵杀手官方小说《Alan Wake》翻译行动!一楼给百度。 分享54赞 达瓦卓玛吧 alan_帆儿 ★明日赞歌★『翻译』阿兰最近在日本的行程一楼百度 分享23赞 平望仙后吧 絕蝂瀦 ●-Tνχq' ,[cAss!opEiA]神起的77首歌曲的歌词及翻译转大吧‘!老样子~!一楼送给口耐德BD叔叔~! 分享...