you’ll love Alan Wake 2, because Saga is basically Dana Scully, who also asks herself the whole time: “I’m with the FBI, what am I doing here? Why am I constantly dealing with these strange otherworldly creatures? We’ve
在Control的资料片AWE里(很多人开玩笑说,AWE就是”Alan Wake Expansion,阿兰维克资料片)。 Remedy大量的更新了整个宇宙里到底发生了什么。 在资料片里提到了三个Altered World Events (异次元事件),非常详细的记录了一个古老的事件(估计是之后某个游戏的事件),Thomas Zane事件,以及Alan Wake事件。 里面也提到了 Al...
Alan Wake 2 strikes a much better balance in a way that lends itself to its shift toward being a survival-horror game. In that sense, Alan Wake 2 doesn't redefine the gameplay leanings of the genre, but it uses them deftly nonetheless. I typically had just enough ammo to get through ...
Thirteen years after his wife went missing in the small town of Bright Falls, author Alan Wake is trapped inside a Dark Place that he can’t seem to write himself out of. As I sit down to type out this review of Alan Wake II, I can somewhat empathize. This is just so incomparable ...
The first update of the year for Alan Wake 2 is out now. The update contains the Chapter Select function, allowing you to load up any mission you want. So, you can replay the We Sing mission over and over to potentially annoy your neighbors!
Alan Wake 2 Collectible Guide for all Collectible Locations. Includes all Weapons, Lunch Boxes, Cult Stashes, Nursery Rhyme Dolls & Puzzles, Charms, Inventory Upgrades and more.
While the firstAlan Wake gamecertainly had plenty of scares and horror in it, the mechanics were not as strictly of the survival horror variety.Alan Wake 2has gone fully in this direction, however, with a much darker tone, disturbing imagery, and restrictive combat mechanics that sustain the ...
Alan Wake 2 [cheats] Door & Safe Combinations: --- -=Cauldron Lake=- * Murder Site Cult Stash (Lockbox): enter the 3 symbols found inside trailer in the order described on lockbox note * General Store Weapon Case: 739 * Witch’s Laddle Cult Stash: ...
Alan Wake 2 is getting two Xbox Design Lab controller designs to celebrate release – check out theXbox Wireless ControllerandXbox Elite Wireless Controller 2designs. Take the Oceanview Hotel – upon entering major locations throughout the building, Alan’s notes build on the story of this place...
Alan Wake 系列完整故事+感想 目前正在二周目Alan Wake 2(我们当年1代的翻译叫阿兰韦克,现在不知道为什么叫心灵杀手了,以下简称AW),聊一下想法,在下面我会附上整个游戏,尤其是一代的整个故事线。不然光是玩二代不知道一代什么情况,玩起来容易不知所云。我会先写一些想法,然后在大量的文字警告后,放上整个故事...