Alan Hodges has argued that "it is characteristic of Turing that he refreshed Hilbert's question by casting it in terms not of proofs, but of computing numbers. The reformulation staked a clearer claim to have found an idea central to mathematics." (26) To speak of a hypothetical "computing...
What did mental disability did Alan Turing have? Was Alan Turing gay? How did Alan Turing help win WWII? What area of mathematics did Alan Turing research? Was Alan Turing an atheist? What attack did Alan Turing use to solve the Enigma machine?
Alan Turing creator of Artificial Languages In this paper an evaluation of the contribution to philosophi-cal investigation by Alan Turing is provided in terms of creation of Artificial Languages (ALs). After a discussion of the term AL in the literature, and in particular within ... F Gobbo...
Turing’s natural inclination to mathematics and science was noted by his teachers at an early age. Unfortunately, the early signs of genius, together with his innate shyness and inward personality, also isolated him from his fellow classmates. It was at this early stage of his life that he ...
Chris Grayling, Justice Secretary at the time said: “Turing deserves to be remembered and recognised for his fantastic contribution to the war effort and his legacy to science. A pardon from the Queen is a fitting tribute to an exceptional man.” ...
(A-life), but this is a misleading description, apt only to the extent that the theory was intended, as Turing saw it, to counter the Argument from Design. A-life since the 1980s has concerned itself with using computers to explore the logical consequences of evolutionary theory without ...
Basel: Birkhäuser.)Norbert Schappacher and Birgit PetriVI.94 Alan Turingb. London, 1912; d. Wilmslow, England, 1954Logic; computing; cryptography; mathematical biologyIn 1936, as a young Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge,Alan Turing made a crucial contribution to mathe-matical logic: ...
From 1939 to 1945 Turing was almost totally engaged in the mastery of the German enciphering machine, Enigma, and other cryptological investigations at now-famous Bletchley Park, the British government’s wartime communications headquarters. Turing made a unique logical contribution to the decryption ...
Turing‘s papers on the subject are widely acknowledged as the foundation of research in artificial intelligence. In 1945 Turing was awarded the O.B.E. for his vital contribution to the war effort. In 1951 Turing was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. He was still doing research on co...
What Did Alan Turing Do? Turing's first major accomplishment came while he was at Princeton, where he developed the Church-Turing thesis with his mentor, Alonzo Church. Turning's contribution was the paper "On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem." At the time,...