Current local time in USA – Alabama – Mobile. Get Mobile's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Explore Mobile's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset.
Map showing the location of Alabama state in the USA. Find where is Alabama located in the United States.
Current local time in USA – Alabama – Roanoke. Get Roanoke's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Explore Roanoke's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset.
1.(Placename) a state of the southeastern US, on the Gulf of Mexico: consists of coastal and W lowlands crossed by the Tombigbee, Black Warrior, and Alabama Rivers, with parts of the Tennessee Valley and Cumberland Plateau in the north; noted for producing cotton and white marble. Capital...
Alabama (state) - USA History.
Home Regions USA Alabama Alabama Wine and WhiskeyAlabama is a state in the American Deep South, bordered by Mississippi to the west and Georgia to the east. There is a small and steadily growing number of winemakers making wines from the ...
a state in the southeastern United States on the Gulf of Mexico; one of the Confederate states during the American Civil War 同义词:Heart of DixieCamellia StateAL a member of the Muskhogean people formerly living in Alabama; a member of the Creek Confederacy ...
Alabama - Native American, Civil War, Reconstruction: The present-day state of Alabama was originally inhabited by various Indigenous peoples. Visible traces of their occupancy, which spanned nearly 10,000 years, may be seen at Dust Cave, a Paleo-Indian
Alabama - Agriculture, Manufacturing, Tourism: Among the 50 states, Alabama is relatively poor, and median family income has remained well below the national average. Rural poverty skews the state average downward, however, concealing more-promising tren
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