Medicare&MedicaidElectronicHealthRecord(EHR)IncentiveProgramNoticeofProposedRulemaking(NPRM) Display–December30,2009 Publication–January13,2010 NPRMCommentPeriodClosed–March15,2010 CMSreceived2,000+comments FinalRuleonDisplay–July13,2010 FinalRulePublished–July27,2010 ...
If the transfer cannot be done, and the parent goes in a nursing home, the property counts as a resource. But if the parent receives Home and Community Based Services through Medicaid the house does not count as a resource until the parent dies. At that time Medicaid will claim what it ...
However, the PCCM requirement for physicians to accept assignment of a caseload of patients and to provide all of their primary care likely conflicts with the approach of limited Medicaid participation favored by many Medicaid physician participants. This study examines the early impact of PCCM ...
For women who can't make the long drive to a hospital with obstetrical services, their choices are limited: go to the nearest emergency room to have their babies delivered by an ER physician, or deliver at home. If they choose to deliver at home, state law forbids them from being assiste...