Alabama Republicans want to give IVF doctors immunity after court rules frozen embryos are kids Graham opposes IVF ruling: 'Nobody's ever been born in a freezer' Health Care Senate Dems set up IVF showdown Health Care Republicans have an answer on IVF. It's only raising more questions. ...
Alabama Cheers Ruling on Law on Illegals; Judge Upholds Most of Statute
The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to review an Alabama ruling that triggered concerns for in vitro fertilization services in the state. Wires Judge maintains injunction against key part of Alabama absentee ballot law Updated: Oct. 5, 2024 at 9:55 AM GMT+8 ...
The decision became a flashpoint in the national debate over abortion and raised liability concerns for fertility clinics as they create, store and work with frozen embryos. Three large IVF providers in Alabama paused services in the wake of the ruling. Facing a public backlash to the d...
Federal Judge Orders Alabama to Comply With Gay Marriage Ruling.22 counties in Alabama were refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses as of
Federal Judge Orders Alabama County to Issue Licenses for Gay Marriages (Posted 2015-02-12 22:18:32) ; the Ruling Could Pave the Way for Same-Sex Marriages across the StateSomashekhar, Sandhya
Commandments Removed, but Alabama Judge Unmoved; the Inscriptions on the Monument Are in Line with Court Rulings, He Argues