Resident Hunting Licenses: Valid 9/1/2024 – 8/31/2025 (unless otherwise indicated) Category License Type Description/info Fee Hunting License ** Hunter…
Hunting License SaleHunting ParticipationHunter RetentionHunting License FeeHunting SatisfactionThis article documents the magnitude of and factors associated with declining hunting license sales in Alabama. Respondents were classified as active hunters, former hunters, or nonhunters. Active hunters were ...
For those born after August 1, 1977 and have yet to complete an approved hunter education course but would still like to hunt, there is the option of purchasing a “Supervision Required” hunting license. This license requires the hunter to be under the direct supervision of a properly licens...
It's about jobs. It's about good-paying jobs," Crossen said. "I spent my entire life growing up here, as many of us did, watching everybody move from Genesee County and from Western New York. Now, we're going to start seeing license plates from other states coming here." During hi...
The Official App of Alabama hunting and fishing. Available on Apple and Google devices. Learn More Outdoor Alabama Wild Eats! Our new Wild Eats program features recipes and tips on preparing organic, healthy, and sustainable protein from your hunt. Read more INFORMATION...
Alabama is rich in natural diversity with more than 1.3 million acres of public hunting land and some of the most liberal seasons and bag limits in the nation. Hunters have the opportunity to hunt many species in Alabama including, white-tailed deer, wild turkey, mourning doves, bobwhite quai...
Sport Fishing & Hunting Laws & Regulations Fishing Regulations Public Fishing Lakes Reciprocal Fishing License Map Seasons & Limits Fishing Daily Creel, Possession & Size Limits PDF Downloads Wildlife & Fisheries Division Facilities Map Bigger Bass Lifetime License Application Fishing...