Note 2: Joseph Gee and 18 slaves are enumerated in the 1820 Alabama Census. Note 3: Charles, Joseph, Sterling H. and William F. Geeoriginal land patentson the Bureau of Land Management site. Plugin Gee as Patentee’s Last Name and select Wilcox County from the pull-down menu. In 1845...
Sylacauga is a city in Talladega County, Alabama, United States. At the 2010 census the population was 12,749. Nicknames for Sylacauga include "The Marble City", "Buzzard's Roost", "Alabama’s Best-Kept Secret" and "Sly Town".
1. Introduction Tree-ring based reconstructions of streamflow are advantageous to water planners and policy makers because they extend gage records beyond the observational period, which in turn provides a better understanding of the full range of natural flow variability and the associated climatic ...