The Al11Cr4 Phase is confirmed, and is stable in the 600 °C isothermal section; its decomposition temperature is between 690 °C and 800 °C. The solubility of Sn in Al–Cr binary compounds is negligible. Six intermediate phases, i.e., Al7Cr, Al11Cr2, Al4Cr, Al11Cr4, Al8Cr5 ...
Ni-Al-Sn三元系相平衡固溶度电子探针显微分析采用电子探针显微分析和X射线衍射分析等方法研究了Ni-Al-Sn三元系在800和1000℃时的相平衡.结果表明:(1) Ni-Al-Sn三元系在800和1000℃时均未发现三元化合物;(2) Ni-Al侧存在Ni Al,Ni3Al,Al3Ni和Al3Ni2 4个化合物,800℃时,Sn在Ni Al和Ni3Al中的固溶度分...
结果证明了分子筛中27Al化学位移峰位置主要取决于三个因素:骨架的拓扑结构、骨架外阳离子的类型和阳离子的水合程度。基于简单模型的静态计算结果会导致对 NMR 谱中峰位置,Al 分布甚至谱峰数量解释的定性错误。因此,在27Al化学位移计算中采用 ope...
Queste le aziende espositrici all’interno del Padiglione Italia:Shanghai SinoDrink, VM Fine wines, The Making Art management, CNIT new frontiers, Canton Exmaster, Shanghai JFK Bearing. L‘Expo durerà dal20 al 23 settembre e si...
Thin foils of the double solid solution (Zr0.5,Ti0.5)2(Al0.5,Sn0.5)C MAX phase were in situ irradiated in a transmission electron microscope (TEM) up to a fluence of 1.3×10 ionscm (7.5 dpa), using 6 keV He ions. Irradiations were performed in the 350-800 °C temperature range. ...
The 600 and 800°C isothermal sections of the Al-Ni-Sn ternary system were determined based on examination of equilibrated alloys by SEM spectroscopy and x-ray powder diffraction. Nine and Six three-phase regions exist in the Al-Ni-Sn system at 600 and 800°C respectively. All the Al-Ni...
The high-temperature phase Mn2-xSn was observed at 800°C. The solubility of Al in Mn3Sn, Mn2xSn and that of Sn in Al8Mn5 at 800°C was measured to be 2.8, 3.6 and 1.0at.%, respectively. Al12Mn, also named G phase, was proved to be stable at 450°C....
The low-temperature phase Mn3Sn2 was observed at 450 degrees C. The solubility of Al in Mn3Sn, Mn3Sn2, MnSn2 and that of Sn in Al8Mn5 at 450 degrees C is about 3.1, 2.9, 0.6, and 1.7 at.%, respectively. The high-temperature phase Mn2-xSn was observed at 800 degrees C. ...
elliptic shape or roundish shape in the tip are dispersed and precipitated into an Al matrix 1 strengthened by Cr, etc., Sn-Pb alloy grains 3 are precipitated adjacently to the Si grains 2 and a part 3a thereof is converted into a liquid phase, by which the Al-Sn-Pb bearing alloy ha...
Mohammed·Al·Ameri(出生于1959年-)是一位著名的当代视觉艺术家,他的灵感主要来自上世纪70年代。20世纪70年代是艺术巩固和进步的时期,通常被定义为对过去十年的主要紧张局势的回应。概念艺术作为一场有影响力的运动出现,是极简主义的部分演变和回应。 加微信uhuayuan4,领...