The subsolidus phase diagram CaO-Al2O3-Ta2O5 has been determined at 1300-1350 C. Two ternary phases are present, Ca2AlTaO6 and the new phase, CaAlTaO5. From Rietveld refinement of powder XRD data, CaAlTaO5 has the sphene structure, monoclinic 6.6760(3), 8.9546(3), 7.3494(3) ...
The subsolidus phase diagram CaO–Al2O3–Ta2O5has been determined at 1300–1350°C. Two ternary phases are present, Ca2AlTaO6and the new phase, CaAlTaO5. From Rietveld refinement of powder X-ray diffraction data, CaAlTaO5has the sphene structure, monoclinic 6.6760(3), 8.9546(3), 7.349...
Compound and solid-solution formation, phase equilibria and electrical properties in the ceramic system ZrO2?La2O3?Ta2O5 One new compound, ZrLaTa3O11 has been synthesized in the system ZrO2-La2O3-Ta2O5, with an orthorhombic unit cell, a = 10.890(3) angstrom, b = 12.450(3) ang... ...
TA2O5 THIN-FILMSTEMPERATUREMORPHOLOGYSUBSTRATEALLOYThe heteroepitaxial δ -Ta 2 O 5 films were deposited on α -Al 2 O 3 (0001) by MOCVD. As the growth temperature increases from 650°C to 800°C, the structure of δ -Ta 2 O 5 films changes from amorphous to single crystal, and ...
Formation and Transformation of Solid Solutions in the System Nb2O5–Ta2O5 In the system Nb2O5–Ta2O5, a continuous series of δ-Nb2O5 (δ-Ta2O5) solid solutions with a hexagonal cell is formed while heating amorphous materials prepared by the simultaneous hydrolysis of niobium and tantal...
The heteroepitaxialδ-Ta2O5films were deposited onα-Al2O3(0001) by MOCVD. As the growth temperature increases from 650°C to 800°C, the structure ofδ-Ta2O5films changes from amorphous to single crystal, and finally to mixed phase structure. The film deposited at 750°C exhibited the ...