Phase diagramCaO–AlO–LaOCALPHDRedlich–KisterConsidering the significance of CaO–Al2O3–RE2O3 (RE = rare earth) phase diagrams, the Redlich–Kister expression was employed to evaluate the binary phase diagrams of CaO–Al2O3, La2O3–Al2O3 and CaO–La2O3 systems in the present work...
首先打开FactSage软件的Phase Diagram相图计算模块,在Components栏下输入第一个组分CaO后,再点击+依次输入另外两个组分Al2O3和SiO2。 打开Units窗口选择合适的单位,这里温度选择℃,质量选择g为单位。对于CaO-Al2O3-SiO2体系,Data Search窗口中选择氧化物数据库[FToxid]。然后点击Next进入下一步。 选择计算中可能涉及...
The subsolidus phase diagram CaO–Al2O3–Ta2O5has been determined at 1300–1350°C. Two ternary phases are present, Ca2AlTaO6and the new phase, CaAlTaO5. From Rietveld refinement of powder X-ray diffraction data, CaAlTaO5has the sphene structure, monoclinic 6.6760(3), 8.9546(3), 7.349...
Phase diagram of a SiO2:Al2O3:CaO:KNaO System Phase diagram and stull chart showing the SiO2-Al2O3-(0.7CaO+0.3KNaO) system. Courtesy of Matthew Katz, Alfred University What happens when ceramic glazes lack Al2O3? This happens. They are glossy, but lack thickness and body. They are al...
4Phase diagram of Al2 O3 CaO SiO2system21综上所述,暗斑区 Si、C 28、a 含量的减少以及 K 、 Na 和 Fe的富集促进了 Ca2Al 2SiO7 和(Na,K)AlSi 3O8 的形成与析出。易显色的 Fe 元素的富集对于 95%Al 2O3 陶瓷表面暗斑的产生起到了重要作用。3 结论1) 掠入射 X 射线衍射技术可有效获得表面...
Pandat热力学软件计算与评估了A1203.CaO.Si02三元系的1150℃、1250。C、1350 ℃、1400℃和1450℃的等温截面图,同时结合计算与评估的相图,再通过相图 的实验研究,来验证相图的准确性。 计算结果表明ThermoCale和FactSage计算出来的等温截面图存在一些差 异,主要原因是由于两个软件数据库中的钙黄长石(Ca2A12Si07)的...
优化过程中,采用离子双亚点阵模型描述液相,用CEF(compound energy formalism)化合物能量模型描述固相.所得Al_(2)O_(3)-MgO体系和Al_(2)O_(3)-MgO-SiO_(2)体系的相图热力学计算结果与绝大部分实验数据相吻合,是构建Al_(2)O_(3)-SiO_(2)-MgO-CaO-Fe_(2)O_(3)-Na_(2)O六元体系热力学数据库的...
求翻译:Calculation of Phase Diagram of CaO-SiO2-Al2O3-MgO-B2O3 Refining Slag without CaF2是什么意思?待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有 Calculation of Phase Diagram of CaO-SiO2-Al2O3-MgO-B2O3 Refining Slag without CaF2问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 钙硅氧化铝 - 氧化镁-B2O3精炼...
-CaO-SiO2 System and Its Verification DONG l in9-y Abstract=The basic phase is selected accOrding tO the measured phase diagram~ t,O isOthermal sectiOns and t,O vertical sectiOns Of the Al2(3)Ca,(Si)2 ternary system are calculated using FACT sOft,are.The sectiOns in the same cOnditiOns...
Keywords:ternaryphasediagram;rectangularcoordinates;ironmaking;slag 相图对高炉配料成分的选择和产品性能的预测有 重要的指导意义.在高炉炼铁时,必须合理严格控制 高炉炉料结构成分,使炉渣冷却过程中能够按照所要 求的路线结晶,从而实现生产效益最大化.要获得 准确的炉料成分时,需要用到CaO.SiO-A1O炉渣三 元相图,根据...