entropy Article Entropy Generation and Heat Transfer Performances of Al2O3-Water Nanofluid Transitional Flow in Rectangular Channels with Dimples and Protrusions Yonghui Xie 1,*, Lu Zheng 1, Di Zhang 2 and Gongnan Xie 3 1 School of Energy and Power Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'...
输其入它功端能具包有括高:达预 2充0检V的测保及定护时;器U,SB快输充入定范时围器为,过4.1压V保至护6.,3V充,电输状入态端指 具示和有故最障高指8V示保输护出.,电源就绪监视器以及电池热敏电阻 未流功检充MA电测从能接X速等8包电输9率.0括池入3或此_:,电采交外预系源用流,充统时4...
输其入它功端能具包有括高:达预 2充0检V的测保及定护时;器U,SB快输充入定范时围器为,过4.1压V保至护6.,3V充,电输状入态端指 具示和有故最障高指8V示保输护出.,电源就绪监视器以及电池热敏电阻 未流功检充MA电测从能接X速等8包电输9率.0括池入3或此_:,电采交外预系源用流,充统时4...
This was done to give the desired physical properties of the TiO2 substrate for the coating procedures. Nano-Al2O3 powder was coated onto the surface of the TiO2 substrates. The TiO2 substrates with the Al2O3 coating were then calcined (heat-treated) at 800 and 1000 °C...
A mixed suspension of the above two to obtain an Al2O3-20wt %YSZ composition was used in the case of the AsYs coating. All the suspensions were procured from the same supplier (Treibacher, Austria) with identical solid load content of 25 wt % in ethanol. Spray-grade powders of Al2O3...
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A series of Mg2Y2Al2Si2O12:Dy3+,Eu3+ was prepared using a solid‐state method, and the phosphor emitted white light by tuning the ratio of Dy3+/Eu3+. The effects of La3+/Lu3+ on the structure and luminescence properties of Mg2Y2Al2Si2O12:Dy3+,Eu3+ were explored. Under the...
ccsst2eeshvoi.CAt0eafur1lulγia,dis2t-s2ieaiAt.stdet9hells62idie.OknTaceo3nhtal(uyhdra1rebtt02opoib0.sr5nf)oeto4youfvr laÅnmiscgoad,eruyraato,es.rubtsTyphppih-reoedooefcaepxtbCdnyiovosutgsoeanaeltcrdnlyepl.uttcd(hTsiOoioathsnetncter)fatioOhnagafnenuccOeddraasatccAaototailimol...
coatings on supera11oy is limited to the wear.resistant coatings o f N iC rB Si series. T he studv Of N O D S M CrA 1Y high—temperature protectiVe coatings On super— Foundati0n item:Project(2OO6O287叭9) supported by the Research Fund fbr Doct0ral Pr0gram of Higher ...