1. CALL 'C_SAPGPARAM' ID 'NAME' FIELD 'DIR_XXX'2. ID 'VALUE' FIELD searchpoints-dirname.对于⼈⼿维护的⽬录, 它们保存在表user_dir⾥⾯, 这个表还是maintenance allowed AL11的user_dir创建 Step 1: 点configure Step 2: 点Save保存, Create这个键没什么⽤, 有兴趣的可以看看代码 ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi all, when i run F110 (Payment Run). some files are getting generated for outbound. I can see some files that got generated in AL11 in some folders. Some files i can see them in REGUT table and i can see in the log of the run. But i am no...
http://scn.sap.com/thread/3445568 Its not impossible but its cumbersome to achieve. Let me give you a hint. You can create file locking functionality in the program by creating a table ZSY_FILE_LOCK which will have file name, file location, calling program and lock status (say). Now ...
use FM gui upload to get data in internal table and then use OPEN DATASET command to write the file from internal table to application server. Example:- filepath(200) TYPE c default 'E:\usr\sap\DB7\DVEBMGS00\work\custno.csv' OPEN DATASET filepath FOR OUTPUT IN TEXT MODE encoding defa...
ID assigned to substances in EH&S C1CA0003 EHS: Generation of a table with all subs for MSDS shipping C1CA0004 EHS: Determines the language version of the MSDS C1CA0005 EHS: Determination of SRGV for report selection MSDS ship. C1CA0006 EHS: Report shipping: Check whether to be sent C1...
CALL 'C_SAPGPARAM' ID 'NAME' FIELD 'DIR_XXX' ID 'VALUE' FIELD searchpoints-dirname. 对于人手维护的目录, 它们保存在表user_dir里面, 这个表还是maintenance allowed AL11的user_dir创建 Step 1: 点configure Step 2: 点Save保存, Create这个键没什么用, 有兴趣的可以看看代码 Step 3: 查看结果 ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, I am able to loop an internal table and write to csv file in AL11 directory. But how to write to excel file instead of csv file. And how to format the excel file (for example, column B should be format to numeric and column E should format...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, But, at this way; I'll create a plain file with the internal table info. I need to create a PDF file in server. Reply Former Member In response to Former Member 2009 Mar 09 4:09 PM 0 Kudos 2,244 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Developmen...
DATA: ifile TYPE filetable, l_pcfile TYPE sapb-sappfad, lv_len TYPE i, lv_len1 TYPE i, counter TYPE i, lv_c(1) TYPE c, lv_total TYPE i, xfile LIKE LINE OF ifile, rc TYPE i. *** Data Declaration Ends *** *** Declaration for Selction Screen Starts *** ***Test start ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi, 1) Read the file on the application server using OPEN DATASET & READ DATASET. 2) Transfer the contents to an internal table of required structure. 3) Download this internal table to your presentation server using 'GUI_DOWNLOAD'. Thanks Sharath Reply ...