η和η’相等纳米析出相在析出强化中起着重要作用,是提高合金机械性能的主要机制。 来源:Formation mechanism of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy fabricated by laser-archybrid additive manufacturing: Microstructure evaluation and mechanicalproperties,Additive Manufacturing,doi.org/10.1016/j.addma.2021.102554...
相关论文以题为“Effect of pretreatment on microstructural stability and mechanical property in a spray formed Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy”发表在Materials and Design。论文链接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2021.109618 本研究首先制备SF铝合金坯料,将纯Al、Zn、Mg,Al-Cu和Al-Zr中间合金在993-1073K的...
因此,获得了高强度和伸长率,而无需进行强度- 延展性权衡。相关研究以题“Microstructure and properties research of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy with high strength and high elongation fabricated by wire arc additive manufacturing”发表在Journal of Materials processing Technology上 链接:https://www.sciencedirect.com/...
Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloyAluminum alloy product having high strength and fracture toughness and good corrosion resistance, prepared by the following sequential steps: (a) casting an ingot having the following composition (in wt%): Zn6.5 to 7.9Mg1.4 to 2.10Cu1.2 to < 1.5Zr0.04 to 0.15Fe< 0.3Si< ...
(similar to the B95 and 7075 alloys, respectively), which were widely used in Chinese airplanes, the Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials has recently developed a new super-high-strength IM/Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy (C912: Zn–8.6%, Mg-2.6%, Cu-2.4%; Version C912C: +0.1Ce%; Version ...
然后,热处理增加了沉积部件的抗拉强度。因此,获得了高强度和伸长率,而无需进行强度- 延展性权衡。相关研究以题“Microstructure and properties research of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy with high strength and high elongation fabricated by wire arc additive manufacturing”发表在Journal of Materials processing Technology上...
相关论文以题为“Effect of pretreatment on microstructural stability and mechanical property in a spray formed Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy”发表在Materials and Design。 论文链接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2021.109618 本研究首先制备SF铝合金坯料,将纯Al、Zn、Mg,...
然后,热处理增加了沉积部件的抗拉强度。因此,获得了高强度和伸长率,而无需进行强度- 延展性权衡。相关研究以题“Microstructure and properties research of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy with high strength and high elongation fabricated by wire arc additive manufacturing”发表在Journal of Materials processing Technology上...
ultra-highstrengthaluminumalloy,heattreatment,stress-corrosionresistance 0 引言 A1一Zn-Mg-(Cu)合金具有高的比强度、断裂韧性和抗疲 劳性能[1],但这种材料对应力腐蚀、剥落腐蚀、晶间腐蚀的高 敏感性L2]在一定程度上影响了它的实际应用,其中尤以应力 ...