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最终基于Ti在亚共晶Al-Si系合金中的两面性提出了Ti的合理应用方法及其优化策略。 相关成果以“Insights into the dual effects of Ti on the grain refinement and mechanical properties of hypoeutectic Al–Si alloys”为题发表在《Journal of Materials Science & Technology》。山东大学赵梓渊硕士为论文第一作者,山...
最终基于Ti在亚共晶Al-Si系合金中的两面性提出了Ti的合理应用方法及其优化策略。 相关成果以“Insights into the dual effects of Ti on the grain refinement and mechanical properties of hypoeutectic Al–Si alloys”为题发表在《Journal of Materials Science & Technology》。山东大学赵梓渊硕士为论文第一作者,山...
The formability of spray formed eutectic aluminum silicon alloys are investigated by using the isothermal upset test in this study. 本文即针对喷射成形共晶铝硅合金成形性进行研究 ,采用Gleeble15 0 0实验机进行压缩比实验 ,并同时量测流动应力。 更多例句>> 补充...
Jian L,Laufer E E and Masounave J.Wear in Zn-Al-Si alloys. Wear . 1993Wear in Zn-Al-Si alloys. JIAN L,LAUFER E E,MASOUNAIVE J. Wear . 1993Li J, Laufer E and Masounave J. Wear in Zn-Al-Si Alloys.Wear, Vol. 165 (1993) No.2,p51-56...
相关研究成果以“Investigations of the processing–structure–performance relationships of an additively manufactured AlSi10Mg alloy via directed energy deposition”为题发表在国际期刊Journal of Alloys and Compounds上。 论文链接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2023.169050...
Al-Si alloysOver the last few decades the grain refinement practice using Ti based chemical additions (Al-Ti-B) is well established for wrought Al alloys, however in the case of Al-Si casting alloys, the practice of adding grain refiners and the impact on castability is not well ...
相关成果以“Insights into the dual effects of Ti on the grain refinement and mechanical properties of hypoeutectic Al–Si alloys”为题发表在《Journal of Materials Science & Technology》。山东大学赵梓渊硕士为论文第一作者,山东大学刘相法教授和西安交通大学刘思达教授为论文通讯作者。
www.nature.com/scientificreports OPEN received: 08 September 2016 accepted: 23 November 2016 Published: 23 December 2016 Formation of equiaxed crystal structures in directionally solidified Al-Si alloys using Nb-based heterogeneous nuclei Leandro Bolzoni1,3, Mingxu Xia2,3 & Nadendla Hari ...
Squeeze Casting of Al-Si AlloysBellisario DeniseBoschetto AlbertoCostanza GirolamoTata Maria ElisaQuadrini FabrizioSanto Loredana