J. Grant, “Supersaturation in Rapidly Quenched Al-Rich Al-Si Alloys”,Trans. ASM, 61, 330–335 (1968). (Meta Phases; Experimental) Google Scholar Indicates key paper 68Loz: V. N. Lozovskii and A. I. Udyanskaya, “Solubility of Aluminum in Silicon Single Crystals”,Izv. Akad. Nauk...
Al/AlN/Si MIS Structures with Pulsed-Laser-Deposited AlN Films as Gate Dielectrics: Electrical Properties MIS capacitors with AlN films deposited on p-Si substrates by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) have been prepared and the type, energy posi-tion and concentra... S Simeonov,S Bakalova,E Kafe...
牌号 AlMg0.7Si 产地 广东 铝含量 余量 杂质含量 0.15 粒度 标准 可售卖地 北京;天津;河北;山西;内蒙古;辽宁;吉林;黑龙江;上海;江苏;浙江;安徽;福建;江西;山东;河南;湖北;湖南;广东;广西;海南;重庆;四川;贵州;云南;西藏;陕西;甘肃;青海;宁夏;新疆 货号 AlMg0.7Si 价格说明 价格:商品在爱采购的展示...
Prealloy and postalloy contact resistances at [(Al–Si)/bulk (100)Si] interfaces have been measured for a range of Al–Si alloy compositions (0–2 at.% Si), alloying temperatures (325–550°C), and contact sizes (3–5 μm). Contact doping for n +/p junctions was by diffusion from...
一、Al-Si铸造铝合金的特点 Al-Si系铸造铝合金是一种以硅为主要合金元素的铸造铝合金。硅的添加量范围通常在5%~25%之间,同时还会添加镁、铜等元素,以形成亚共晶型、共晶型或过共晶型合金。其中,含硅量为5%~13%的亚共晶型或共晶型合金是工业生产中应用最...
In this study, the localized corrosion and conversion coating on cast alloys 356 (Al-7.0Si-0.3Mg) and 380 (Al-8.5Si-3.5Cu-1.6Fe) were characterized. The intermetallic phases presence in the permanent mold cast alloy 356 are primary-Si, AlB5BFeSi, AlB8BSiB6BMgB3BFe and MgB2BSi. The di...