外文全称:al-Shabaab 中文译名:青年党 背景介绍:索马里青年党武装分子8月16日对首都摩加迪沙一家酒店发动大规模袭击,已造成16人死亡。青年党2004年初建立,是索马里主要的反政府武装组织,与“基地”组织有关联。
青年党 又例如青年党(Al-Shabaab)虽然不是基地组织的附属组织,但也在缺乏一个有力政府的索马里大大发展。美国国务院反恐怖主义 … finance.ifeng.com|基于331个网页 2. 索马里青年党 ...日电讯报》7月23日报道,与“基地”组织关系密切的索马里青年党(Al-Shabaab)23日宣称,他们于22日晚间在索马里南部马尔 … ...
8月18日译名发布:al-Shabaab 外文全称:al-Shabaab 中文译名:青年党 背景介绍:索马里青年党武装分子8月16日对首都摩加迪沙一家酒店发动大规模袭击,已造成16人死亡。青年党2004年初建立,是索马里主要的反政府武装组织,与“基地”组织有关联。
英文“ al-Shabaab ”是 "The Youth" Al-Shabaab (Arabic: الشباب, "The Youth") 是年轻人的意思. The term Shabaab ("youth") is common in the Islamic world for youth groups, and the current movement should not be confused with other simila...
Al-Shabaab, Somali-based Islamist militant group with links to al-Qaeda. Beginning in 2006, the group waged an insurgency against Somalia’s Transitional Federal Government (TFG). Al-Shabaab originated as a militia affiliated with the Islamic Courts Unio
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War and Peace in Somalia: National Grievances, Local Conflict and Al-Shabaab. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019. In what is arguably the most wide-ranging edited volume on Al-Shabaab, a series of forty-four contributors write individual chapters about sundry facets of the group’s rise,...
Al-Shabaab and Social Media: A Double-Edged SwordAl-Shabaab, one of the most powerful armed militant groups in Africa today, has earned a reputation for savvy use of new communication technology to recruit, fuSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
英文“ al-Shabaab ”是 "The Youth" Al-Shabaab (Arabic: الشباب, "The Youth") 是年轻人的意思. The term Shabaab ("youth") is common in the Islamic world for youth groups, and the current movement should not be confused with other similarly named organizations. http:/...