Moderate Thought And The Parameters Of The Coexistence Philosophy Of Imam Al-MawardiFattal Yabroudy, Hanan msalamAlhafi, Basel MahmodJournal of Namibian Studies
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doi:10.24090/ej.v12i1.9711Imran Caniago, Muhammad AliShabur, UsmanSatibi, IbiEl-Jizya: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam
Religion, Economy, and State: Economic Thought of Al-Mawardi in Adab Al-Dunya Wa-Al-Dindoi:10.2139/ssrn.2807080religioneconomystateethicswelfare stateThe relation between religion, economy and the country became a major topic in the development of public welfare systems. Humans are political ...
Religion, Economy, and State: Economic Thought of Al-Mawardi in Adab Al-Dunya Wa-Al-Dinreligioneconomystateethicswelfare stateThe relation between religion, economy and the country became a major topic in the development of public welfare systems. Humans are political creatures that have the ...
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Contravene of Imam Al-Juwayni to Imam Al-Mawardi and its Cause, The Ruling on Fogging the Vessels as a Model for a Comparative Jurisprudence Studyalqatamin, Emad Mohammad kliafTurkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry