al-hakam网络公判者;阿勒哈卡姆;秉公判断的网络释义 1. 公判者 ...-Basir)﹑“审算者”(al-Hasib)﹑“公判者”(al-Hakam)等等。|基于16个网页 2. 阿勒哈卡姆 在联合国特委会的监督下,伊拉克在阿勒哈卡姆(Al-Hakam)的一个重要生物武器生产设施被拆毁,一些属於各种类别的生物武 …www.americ...
All these aspirations are directed toward ennobling man’s life, lifting it from the sphere of mere physical existence and leading the individual towards freedom.” This quote, once said by Albert Einstein, represents what Al-Hakam II had strived towards during his rule. Under his leadership, ...
插画 关于 Al在阿拉伯文字的Hakam阿拉名字-上帝名字用阿拉伯语-阿拉伯书法 阿拉的名字或上帝的名字银色框架的-导航伊斯兰教的例证 在空白背景. 插画 包括有 上帝, 夫人, 蔓藤花纹 - 120257546
Al Hakam 4+ Al Shirkatul Islamiyyah 专为iPad 设计 免费 截屏 iPad iPhone 简介 Al Hakam, in its first phase, was launched in 1897 by the Promised Messiah in Qadian, India. Relaunched now in the era of his fifth successor, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Al Hakam is brought to you th...
Abu al-Hakam al-Kirmani; (Arabic:أبو الحكم الكرماني; d. 1066 CE) was a prominent philosopher and scholar from the Muslim al-Andalus. A student of Maslamah Ibn Ahmad al-Majriti, he was a Neoplatonic advocate, and seen as an influence on...
Al Hakam Turki. Actor: Baku-Baghdad. Al Hakam Turki is known for Baku-Baghdad (2019), Puppets Republic (2018) and Jouri (2022).
Caliphate of Cordoba354 H 965 GregorianAbd Al-Rahman on reverseReference Vives 453Shipments destined outside of Spain (both from the European Union and third co
Saja Abdul Ameer Mohammed al-A'ssamJournals Eduction for Girls 的前十大競爭對手 在1月 2025,系統根據關鍵字流量、受眾定位與市場重疊率與 的相似程度,排名出 等前 10 名網站。 #1 al islam - official website of ahmadiyya muslim community - an islamic organization, international in its scope, with branches in...
Hisham II succeeded his father Al-Hakam II as Caliph of Cordoba in 976 at the age of 10, with his mother Subh and the first minister Jafar al-Mushafi acting as regents. General Ghalib and Al-Mansur Ibn Abi Aamir (Almansor) managed to prevent the eunuchs from placing a brother of al-...