The effects of drying methods on preparation of nanometer α-Al2O3 were discussed, and the optimal drying method was confirmed. The structural properties of powders were characterized by XRD, SEM and BET measurements. The r...
型号MGA-AL40 别名畅享60 系统HarmonyOS 3.0.0 版本 MGA-AL40
制造商编号 CKCM25X7R1E103M060AL 商品别名 CKCM25X7R1E103MT0Y0S 制造商 TDK 授权代理品牌 唯样编号 D-CKCM25X7R1E103M060AL 供货 海外代购D 代购 无铅情况/RoHs 无铅/符合RoHs 描述 容值:10nF 偏差:±20% 电压:25V 封装/外壳:0504
产品重量:1.7±0.1g 接口类型:UART I/O 产品简介: E103-W01-IPX是一款超高性价比的100mW(20dBm)串口转Wi-Fi模块,贴片小体积封装,陶瓷天线与IPX并存,工作在2.4~2.4835GHz频段。模块可使用串口进行数据收发,降低了无线应用的门槛。 技术手册 样品购买 dasdsad...
In the meantime, the presence of Ag2O particles formed over the framework Al with bridging hydroxyl groups considerably deteriorated the catalytic performance. However, the Ag/MAS 200 catalyst exhibited a striking feature: that is, the bulk Ag2O species are easily reduced by CO at room temperature...
材质 COG 厂商型号 GCM21B5C2E103GX0AL 焊接方式 流体回流 抗弯曲裂纹 NO AEC-Q200 YES 包装形式 塑封编带 (180mm卷筒) 包装数量 3000 特性表 RoHS REACH 业务联络方式 Contact information 奋能达电子(深圳)有限公司 Fennengda Electronics (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd tel:0755-23008646 邮箱:fennengda@yeah.net 相...
华为畅享60(MGA-AL40)原厂刷机包,版本MGA-AL40 Combination Software_HarmonyOS 3.0.0_05019JSN 此版本可以解决畅享60触摸失灵的问题,刷完后屏蔽自动更新。目前降级要拆字库。 下载地址 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1mPG2L-HOUN1Fnq0J3_QVdw 提取码付费可见 * ...
支持型号:华为畅享10S AQM-AL00 固件版本:Aquaman-AL00平台驱动:下载...