Al Rajhi Grand Mosque Hasan Al Musaili, Riyadh 01111,沙特阿拉伯 这是利雅得最大的清真寺,也是具有纪念意义的Al Rajhi大清真寺,是首都最重要的伊斯兰机构之一。大清真寺被用作礼拜场所,男性礼堂可容纳18,000人,女性礼堂可容纳2500人,这里也是社区活动的场所。它设有两个图书馆和一个教育中心,星期五的祈祷文被...
Al Rajhi Capital, is a leading multi-award winning financial services company, which provides its clients with a range of diverse, innovative and Shariah compliant financial products and services
在AlUla-Neom集会上,Yazeed Al-Rajhi获得胜利。 沙特阿拉伯车手亚兹德·拉吉在周六举行的沙特丰田沙漠拉力赛第三轮的AlUla-Neom越野拉力赛中,临时起意,克服了三个穿刺、动力转向问题和千斤顶故障,取得了戏剧性的胜利。 拉希和俄罗斯航海家康斯坦丁?日尔佐夫(Konstantin Zhiltsov)带领他们的丰田海陆(Hilux)以1小时30分45...
Al Rajhi Grand Mosque是当地一家最大最有名的清真寺。但是它只适合路过看看,据有些游客反应,他们只接待穆斯林教徒进入。 Old 9 5分 超棒 位于西亚国家沙特阿拉伯首都利雅得 查看更多 暂无回答 不知道怎么玩?问问旅行达人 去提问 景点详情 查看全部 该寺内部设有礼拜堂、文化中心、图书馆等,游客在这里可以体...
Al Rajhi Bank expects to raise $1.25bln via perpetual bonds sale May 9, 2024 Getty Images/Getty Images The bank has tightened the price guidance for the notes to 6.375%-6.500% from its initial guidance of around 6.875% Shamsuddin Mohd, Reuters News PHOTO Al Rajhi Bank, world's largest Is...
SZ):与Al-Rajhi签署战略合作协议 格隆汇4月28日丨富煌钢构(002743.SZ)公布,近日与Al-Rajhi Building&Contruction Co.(简称“Al-Rajhi ”)签署了《战略合作协议》。为了适应国际钢结构专业及建筑市场的发展形势需要,开拓沙特当地及周边市场,实现互利共赢的目标,双方就在中东地区开展钢结构产业化方面合作。
The all-new “Al Rajhi” App Easy, fast and fully developed banking solutions The cutting-edge Al Rajhi app offers you a suite of personal banking services on yo…
The all-new “Al Rajhi” App Easy, fast and fully developed banking solutions The cutting-edge Al Rajhi app offers you a suite of personal banking services on yo…
Al Rajhi REIT Fund is Al Rajhi Capital’s first Real Estate Investment Traded Fund (REIT) offering investors exposure to the Real Estate Market. Al Rajhi REIT Fund leverages the company's extensive experience in real estate sector and comprises of a well-diversified portfolio of real estate ...
Food safety Food Safety refers to handling, preparing and storing. Featured Products What we do Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia Fresh VEGETABLES Fresh FRUITS Fresh DATES Featured Al-Rajhi Agricultural Company is one of the pioneering companies...