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Al Quran Free for Windows 10 编辑评价 阅读阿拉伯语Uthmani脚本中的《光荣的古兰经》(伊斯兰教的主要宗教文字),并免费获得40部《古兰经》译本,阿拉伯文《塔夫西尔》,搜索引擎和有关Windows Phone的更多信息。该应用程序的一些令人惊奇的功能包括:阿拉伯语Uthmani脚本-使用特别为Windows Phone平台优化的美丽...
Ayat - Al Quran is primarily a mobile app designed for smartphones. However, you can run Ayat - Al Quran on your computer using an Android emulator. An Android emulator allows you to run Android apps on your PC. Here's how to install Ayat - Al Quran on your PC using Android emuator...
This is a software for reading the holy Quran. People can read it in Arabic language and in English language. It downloads data from the internet. It only supports white theme
If all the CIA operatives were to leave Al-Qaeda all that would be left would be the suicide bombers trying to earn their 72 virgins; unaware that the Quran only specified "virgins" and not that they'd be females... or young... or thin and good looking. Reply...
What the Quran mentioned about Fitnah? Nobody knows how those holy books got into the drain. Reply Gabriel The whole human body is a cross including muslims bodies, right!? Reply Mili Amazing Reply dran Cross can NOT change anything, its piece of woods or metals put together…Muslims ...
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Al-Quran for Visual Impairment main features to helps those with vision problem to ponder over Al-Quran. Main feature for Apps are user can increase the mushaf font size according to their need and capabilities to change the background color and mushaf
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