"Arab Jerusalem", an independent Arabic daily newspaper, founded in London in April / April 1989. Printed at the same time in London, New York, Frankfurt and Ro…
不久之后,英国报纸《阿拉伯耶路撒冷报》(Al-Quds Al-Arabi)报道了以色列总理内塔尼亚胡与约旦国王阿卜杜拉会面,商讨 … blog.kdnet.net|基于3个网页 3. 阿拉伯文杂志 ...特万(Abdel-Bari Atwan)是伦敦一家阿拉伯文杂志(al-Quds AL-Arabi)的记者,他称,本·拉丹的追随者向他透露,在"基地"组织 … ...
"Other Qatar backed networks that were accused of incitement on official Gulf TV channels include Al Quds Al Arabi (Arab Jerusalem) newspaper which was founded in London in 1989, online Arabic news portal Arabi 21, the London based website Middle East Eye, the Arabic version of Huffington Post...
two years prior to theNakba, the newspaperFalastincelebrated the first Palestinian Arab book fair with the title “The Palestinian Arab Book Fair: worthy efforts for our culturalNahda”. This exhibition was the outcome of efforts by the Arab...
Jerusalem Post staff
Alquds Live Arabi News 4+ jkinfoway 专为iPhone 设计 免费 iPhone 截屏简介 "Arab Jerusalem", an independent Arabic daily newspaper, founded in London in April / April 1989. Printed at the same time in London, New York, Frankfurt and Rome, and is distributed in the Middle East and North ...
Effect of Balkan bombing on region is glaring, argues Al Quds Al Arabi chief, THE STARGhassan Joha