54:15 Daily Ayat Quran from Surah Al Qamar. It is surah no. 54 & Ayat no. 15.Read qurani ayat daily with urdu tafseer, english tafsir & urdu translations.
Al Qamar ▶ Al Rahman ▶ Al Waqiah ▶ Al Hadid ▶ Al Mojadilah ▶ Al Hashr ▶ Al Mumtahanah ▶ Assaff ▶ Al Jumuah ▶ Al Munafiqun ▶ Attaghabun ▶ Attalaq ▶ Attahrim ▶ Al Mulk ▶ Al Qalam ▶ Al Haqqah ▶ Al Maarij ▶ Nouh ▶ Al Jinn ▶ Al ...
EL VERSO DE LA LUZ - Ayat un-noor Ramadan Dua Hermosa recitación del Corán Omar Hisham Al-Arabi Surah Al Waqiah - Omar Hisham Al Arabi Surah Al-Kahf Omar Hisham Al Arabi Surah Al Mulk - Tarteel Surah Al-Ma'arij - NUEVO Surah An-Nazi'at - ESPIRITUALMENTE CONMOVEDOR DUA POR CONOCIMIE...
Tag advantage Ayat al Kursi benefits Qamar Our Lord! Forgive us our sins as well as those of our brethren who proceeded us in faith and let not our hearts entertain any unworthy thoughts or feelings against [any of] those who have believed. Our Lord! You are indeed full of kindness ...