Finally top notch up to date news I have been watching this channel for a while now and Im really glad to see they have made an app to communicate the news instantly and more easily with its followers, I wish you the best of luck AlQahera News. 更多 mabdegaber45 , 2023/02/01 ...
据卡塔尔半岛电视台援引埃及官方媒体Al-Qahera News消息,哈马斯代表团已于当地时间5日晚离开开罗前往多哈进行磋商,并将于7日返回以“完成与以方停火的谈判”。据报道,加沙的停火谈判已进入关键阶段,哈马斯重申要求以色列“停止对巴勒斯坦领土的袭击”,以换取释放被扣押人员,以色列总理内塔尼亚胡拒绝了这一要求。
The planes carrying 175 tons of aid came from Russia, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, Egypt's Al-Qahera News reported. A total of 187 aircraft carrying about 5,000 tons of aid landed at Al-Arish Airport since Oct. 12, according to the Egyptian Red Crescent Socie...
哈马斯周一表示,接受埃及和卡塔尔的停火提议,停止与以色列长达七个月的战争。 据与埃及情报部门有联系的网站 Al-Qahera News 报道,开罗周二接待了来自卡塔尔、美国和哈马斯的代表团,旨在就达成加沙全面停火协议进行会谈。 据一位高级消息人士向《基地组织》新闻社透露,埃及正在与有关各方密切合作,控制加沙局势。 ...
中新网5月4日电 据法新社援引埃及官方媒体Al-Qahera News的消息,当地时间4日,哈马斯代表团抵达埃及首都开罗参加最新一轮关于加沙停火和释放人质的谈判。 报道称,一位不愿透露姓名的高层消息人士透露,…
See more 8 See all past television Self (4 titles) The Danish Experience (2003) Self (as Raga El Geddaoui) Amir El Zalam (2002) Self (as Raga El Geddaoui) Alqahera Alyom (1998– ) (TV Series) - Host (1998) Al-Zaeem (1993) (TV Special) - Self IMDb...
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