alkaline Surface and structural properties of Al/Si and Fe/Si coprecipitates. BET surface area, PXRD, FE-SEM of Fe-5.0 and Al/Si and Fe/Si coprecipitates. Fe-8.0) are greater than that of AThl ehyBdErToxsiudrefsac(e54araenad(S1B5E8T )mfo2 rg−F1efhoyrdArol-x5i....
tFhoer etthhea entehdanehe ydderhoygdernoagteionnatpiorno cpersoscienssth ine cthuer rceunrtrsetnutd sytu, tdhye, rtehseu rlets uinltds iicnadteicathtea t htahte thcaet acalytasltypsto pssoesssseesssegso goodocda ctaltyaltyictisct satbai...