After being released by Israeli police Saturday night, Givara Budeiri was interviewed by a fellow Al Jazeera journalist and can be seen adroitly holding her smartphone in her supposedly injured hand.Later in the interview, she waves the same hand around and actively gestures with it showing full...
【参考译文】半岛电视台美国(Al Jazeera America)是半岛电视台英语频道的美国版本。该频道于2013年8月20日在美国独家通过有线电视和卫星系统开播。[需要引证] On 2 January 2013, Al Jazeera Media Network announced that it purchased Current TV from its founders Al Gore, Joel Hyatt, and Ronald Burkle, in...
Kuwait needs another one because Jazeera just can’t seem to get it right. The two most travelled destinations for Kuwaitis this summer will be Dubai and Turkey. Increase flights, Jazeera? Start thinking! Reply mehsays: May 22, 2013 at 7:11 am I don’t think he’s really ...
Long before investments raised him to prominence, Sheikh Hamad’s idiosyncratic foreign policy and backing of the free-speaking al-Jazeera satellite channel had already attracted attention. He talks openly of “his friends” in Israel, having forged relations with the Arabs’ historical foe in the ...
Against this imposing foe, Sassoon and his partners are working up a head of steam for the chain they bought five years ago from the couple who’d made it a Los Angeles cult favorite. Today, with 222 outlets, $110 million in annual revenues and an estimated $9 million in net pr...
I would advise Israelis and all their supporters to hear the interview between Sir Robert Frost and Bishop Desmond Tutu in Al Jazeera – posted here too in –and time to change fast before it is too late! May peace, understanding, tolerance, co-existence and patience prev...