Ayat Ul Kursi ▶ Surah Al Fatihah ▶ Surah Al-Kahf ▶ Al-Baqarah ▶ Surah Duha ▶ Surah Rahman ▶ Al-Fatihah ▶ Albums of Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al Sudais Songs of Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al Sudais Al-Jinn ▶ Surah Rahman ▶ Surah Yasin ▶ Surah Ar Rahman ▶ Surah Al Mulk...
At some places the verses of the Book have been called "ayat" because they point not only to the Truth and the Right but also to the Great Author of the book It is not only the subject matter of the Book but also its words and mode of expression and its style that point to its ...