Albert Gore Senior, who was one of the principal congressional architects of the Interstate Highway System, which was begun during the Eisenhower administration in the 1950s. So, when Al Gore Jr. began investigating the possibilities of nationwide computer networking systems (for example, introducing...
It'd be like me watching a slasher pic and saying that i am tired of all the gore, blood, etc that are in all the ubiquitous slasher pics. I would just say that if something is not your genre, that doesn't make it a bad story. Nor does it make the story non "critical." ...
I didn’t even know about the show (where I battle to the death with then-Vice President Al Gore) until shortly before it aired. I did think that whoever was doing my voice did a pretty impressive imitation, though! Gina of Alto, MI asks: Will you ever release The Weird Al Show on...
None of this work will be reported in the mainstream since it disrupts a ‘settled’ climate science narrative tied to the political Net Zero fantasy. But the opinion that humans control the climate thermostat by releasing CO2, leading to runaway temperatures, belongs to a dark period in scienc...
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 In•di•a (ˈɪn di ə) n. 1.a republic in S Asia: formerly a British colony; gained independence in 1947; became ...
Gore Vidal Gorgo (1961) Gorilla filmmaking Goth Goths Grace Chilton Grace Cordell Grace Gallagher Grace Hendy Grace Jabbari Grace Reinhold-Gittins Grace Ryan Gracie LeClere Graeme Sharp Graham Butler Graham Earley Graham Fellows Graham Humphreys....
The Reel Life and Ghastly Death of Al Adamson, is a compelling and frequently jaw-dropping that ranks up there with the best feature-length studies of offbeat cinema auteurs like Herschell Gordon Lewis: The Godfather of Gore, King Cohen, and Gregory's earlier Lost Soul: The Doomed Journey of...
Instead of promoting more respectful public debate, he in essence suggests Americans should hate “deniers” for thinking differently than Gore and his fellow CO2 advocates. He and his ilk are fomenting a new intellectual tyranny. Yet his “hockey stick beliefs” are based ...
Mopotirmeoivzeedr, ftrhoemmgorrapnhuollaorgtyo orfodthbeyAiln(Fcree,aCsirn)Sgi tphaertaigclinesg otfem60p0e5rAatuarlelooyrcaoguilndgbteimoep,tiwmhiizcehdcforuomld galrsaonbuelasretgorerogdatebdy aint ctrheeagsirnaginthbeouangdinagriteesm[4p3e]r.aTthuerereoforraeg, itnhgrotuimghe,cwom...
tHwoewenevthere, raesatchteanretsa,clteioadnipnrgotgoreassdeesc,rpearosde uinctthpeharseeasctairoenfroartme e[4d3i]n. Tthhee ctohmermmoaln apnhaalsyesibseotwf esaemn tphleesremaciltlaendtsa,tledaidffienrgentot atimdeecsre(adsieffeinretnhteiarleaDcTtiAo)n wraatse [a4ls3o]. cTohne- ...