According to al-Biruni's Bibliography of Razi (Risāla fī Fihrist Kutub al-Rāzī), Razi wrote two "heretical books": "Fī al-Nubuwwāt (On Prophecies) and "Fī Ḥiyal al-Mutanabbīn (On the Tricks of False Prophets). According to Biruni, the first "was claimed to be against ...
[29] One former pupil from Tabaristan came to look after him, but as al-Biruni wrote, Razi rewarded him for his intentions and sent him back home, proclaiming that his final days were approaching.[30] According to Biruni, Razi died in Rey in 925 sixty years of age.[31] Biruni, who...
The urban dwellers who live in Soviet-style apartment blocks, mostly located in Biruniy, Taqıyatas, No'kis and Xojeli although some were also constructed for agricultural workers on kolxoz and sovxoz collective or State farms, and the majority of the rural population who live in small ...