The name applied to the portions of the Iberian Peninsula under Moorish control between the years 711 and 1492, especially the region corresponding roughly with present-day Andalusia in southern Spain. During the period of Moorish rule, al-Andalus experienced a cultural flowering, contributing signific...
Al-Andaluswas a great garden in its time. Al-Andalusera un maestoso giardinoaltempo. Literature It was followed by the collapse of Umayyad authority inal-Andalus. È stato seguito dal crollo dell'autorità degli Omayyadi adal-Andalus. ...
Al-Andalus, Muslim kingdom that occupied much of the Iberian Peninsula from 711 CE until the collapse of the Spanish Umayyad dynasty in the early 11th century. The Arabic name Al-Andalus likely refers to the Vandals who occupied the Iberian Peninsula in
Al-Andalusinal-Mukhtaṣar fī akhbār al-bashar, by Abū al-Fidāʾ |117Irwin, Robert (2006), “Mamluk history and historians”, in: R. Allen and D. S. Richards, eds.,Ar-abic Literature in the Postclassical Period, Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press, 159–170.Kīlānī, Aḥmad...
This thesis asks and answers the question "What made 912--961 AD the Golden Age of al-Andalus---was it her leader, her people, or the time and events which took place during this forty-nine year period?" This question was answered using a classic in-depth research approach. This ...
The twelfth century in al-Andalus is considered to be the most prolific period for works of a scientific and technical nature. At the time, the main treatises on dietetics were written and this science reached its widest expression with such leading figures as Ibn Wfd, Avenzoar, Averroes and...
This little interactive museum is so worth a visit. Nicely put together, you get to find out a lot about life in the medieaval times when the 3 cultures lived together; there is an exhibition of major inventions the Arabs made in this period and fanta...
Al-Zahrawi was a child during the Islamic Golden Age, a period of exceptional intellectual and cultural development in the Islamic world. He was born in Al-Andalus, a hub for learning and information exchange. His curiosity and love of medicine were probably fostered by this environment. ...
You pay for a period of stay and they are constantly looking for the people who have to leave the hamman. You feel like you're in the "squid game" every time you see the staff approaching, thinking they're coming to warn you... they don't spare ...
Andalus, whether political, intellectual or religious, will have had occasion to consult the work entitled Jadh- wat al-muqtabis by al-Ḥumaydī (d. 488 H/1095 CE), which is one of the main sources for the period prior to the rise of the Party-Kings (mulūk al-ṭawāʾif). ...