Al-alloys 英美 铝合金 ala Alabama阿拉巴马州 ala-azar [医]黑热病 Ala-Cort 氢化可的松,可的索,考的索,皮质醇,氢化皮质素,氢可的松[糖皮质激素] Ala-Gln 丙氨酰谷氨酰胺 Ala-Tau 阿拉塔乌牛 相关词汇 AL Alois 展开全文 大家正在查 Alhumins是什么意思 Alkhanov是什么意思 Alvek是什么意思 Alduy是什么...
网络铝合金 网络释义 1. 铝合金 主要产品有AMAT,NOVELLOUS,ULVAC,ANELVA,VARIAN等溅射机台的靶材,材料有铝(Al)及铝合金(AlAlloys)、…|基于2个网页
Transition metal (TM) intermetallics, such as Al-Fe, Al-Co and Al-Ni are largely avoided in AM Al alloys as prior experience in casting shows that the addition of TM elements often leads to large and brittle intermetallics27,28. These intermetallics, such as Al9Co2, Al13Fe4have crystal ...
This method can be used for fabrication of U–Al alloys with up to ∼25 wt% uranium. Up to 40 wt% uranium, U–Al alloy can be fabricated in the same way with a small amount of UAl4 precipitates in the alloy. Alloys with such content ratios are liable to contain small fractions of...
铜及铜合金钎料: 钎料牌号Brazing Alloys 主要化学成份Chemical Composition 熔化温度Melting range 焊接温度Working temperture 强度(N/mm)Trensile 相当于其它标准牌号Ref. code inother standards Б δ BCu(Cu-1) Cu:>99.9 1083 10931149AWS BCu-1 BCu36Zn Cu:36;Zn:64; 800823 910954 29 03 ChinaHL101...
Aluminum alloys play an important role in circular metallurgy due to their good recyclability and 95% energy gain when made from scrap. Their low density and high strength translate linearly to lower greenhouse gas emissions in transportation, and their
该研究结果以“Improved corrosion resistance of laser melting deposited CoCrFeNi-series high-entropy alloys by Al addition”为名发表于杂志“Corrosion Science”。文章第一作者为宁波大学硕士研究生张传朗,通讯作者为鲁思渊教授和李晋锋副研究员。论文链接:...
网络释义 1. 镁-铝合金 5A02铝镁合金,5A02 aluminium... ... ) Al-Mg alloy 铝-镁合金 )Mg-Al alloys镁-铝合金) aluminium-magnesium alloy 铝镁合金 ...|基于3个网页
The mechanisms of multimodal microstructure evolution and the effects of microstructural factors on mechanical properties must be elucidated to design new alloys with superior properties. In this study, high-fracture-toughness a...
A process has been developed for the manufacture of sintered alloys of the system Fe-Al, using a 50% Fe-50% Al master alloy. Carbonyl iron base Fe-Al alloys possess higher strength and better ductility compared with similar alloys based on pure iron (manufactured by the soda process), ...